FPC Publications

Member Access


Cook, R.L., T.R. Fox, H.L. Allen, C.W. Cohrs, V. Ribas-Costa, A. Trlica, M. Ricker, D.R. Carter, R.A. Rubilar, O.C. Campoe, T.J. Albaugh, P. Kleto, E. O'Brien, K. McEachern. 2024. Forest soil classification for intensive pine plantation management: “Site Productivity Optimization for Trees” system. Forest Ecology and Management 556(2024): 121732. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2024.121732

Elissetche, J.P.; Alzamora, R.; Espinoza, Y.; Emhart, V.; Pincheira, M.; Medina, A.; Rubilar, R. 2024. Wood Basic Density Assessment of Eucalyptus Genotypes Growing under Contrasting Water Availability Conditions. Forests 15(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/f15010185

Hackman, J., Cook, R.L., Strahm, B., Carter, D., Woodley, A., Garcia, K., 2024. Using microdialysis to assess soil diffusive P and translocated sap flow P concentrations in Southern Pinus taeda plantations. Plant Soil

Hackman, J.J., R.L. Cook, B.D. Strahm, D.R. Carter, A. Woodley, K. Garcia, T.J. Albaugh, R.A. Rubilar, O.C. Campoe. 2024. Pinus taeda carryover phosphorus availability on the lower Atlantic Coastal Plain. Forest Ecology and Management 555(2024): 121701. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2024.121701

Puls, S.J., Cook, R.L., Baker, J.S., Rakestraw, J.L., Trlica, A., 2024. Modeling wood product carbon flows in southern US pine plantations: implications for carbon storage. Carbon Balance Manage 19, 8. 

Rubilar, R.A., Valverde, J.C., Barrientos, G., Campoe, O.C. Water and Temperature Ecophysiological Challenges of Forests Plantations under Climate Change. Forests 2024, 15, 654. https://doi.org/10.3390/f15040654


Barrientos, G., R.A. Rubilar, E. Duarte, A. Paredes et al. 2023. Runoff variation and progressive aridity during drought in catchments in southern-central Chile. Hydrology Research. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2023.116.

Garcia, L.Y., R.A. Rubilar, J.C. Valverde, V. Emhart, L. Bascuñán, A. Medina, D. Bozo. 2023. Morphological, physiological and carbon balance response of Eucalyptus genotypes under water stress. New Forests. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-023-09985-7.

Rubilar, R.A., D. Bozo, T.J. Albaugh, R.L. Cook, O.C. Campoe, D.R. Carter, H.L. Allen, J. Alvarez, M. Pincheira, A. Zapata. 2023. Rotation-age effects of subsoiling, fertilization, and weed control on radiata pine growth at sites with contrasting soil physical, nutrient, and water limitations. Forest Ecology and Management 544(2023): 121213. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121213

Sandoval, S., E. Acuña, J. Cancino, R.A. Rubilar, E. Esquivel. 2023. Modelación del área foliar a nivel de rama y su distribución vertical en la copa de árboles establecidos en cultivos dendroenergéticos. Bosque 44(1): 23-35. DOI: 10.4067/S0717-92002023000100023

Sumnall, M.J., T.J. Albaugh, D.R. Carter, R.L. Cook, W.C. Hession, O.C. Campoe, R.A. Rubilar, R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas. 2023. Estimation of individual stem volume and diameter from segmented UAV laser scanning datasets in Pinus taeda L. plantations. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 44(1) 217-247. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2022.2161853

Valverde, J.C., R.A. Rubilar, G. Barrientos, A. Medina, M. Pinchiera, V. Emhart, A. Zapata, D. Bozo, Y. Espinoza, O.C. Campoe. 2023. Differences in rainfall interception among Eucalyptus genotypes. Trees. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00468-023-02417-1


Albaugh, T.J., D.R. Carter, R.L. Cook, R.A. Rubilar, O.C. Campoe. 2022. Improving Pinus taeda site index from rotation to rotation with silvicultural treatments. Forest Ecology and Management 526(2022): 120581. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120581

Almeida, M.N.F., G.B. Vidaurre, J.L.P.C. Louzada, J.E.M. Pezzopane, J.C.L. Oliveira, A.P. Câmara, M.E.C.M. Silva, A.I.R.N.A. Barros, C.D.C. Matos, A.M.M. Alves, O.C. Campoe, C.A. Alvares. 2022. Differences in wood anatomy and chemistry of a Eucalyptus urophylla clone explained by site climate conditions. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 52: 1-11. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2021-0261

Alzamora, R.M., W. Oviedo, R.A. Rubilar. 2022. Life cycle analysis to estimate CO2e emissions from forest harvesting systems in intensively managed Pinus radiata plantations. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2022.2044901.

Bozo, D., R.A. Rubilar, Y. Espinoza, O.C. Campoe, R.L. Cook, D.R. Carter, T.J. Albaugh. 2022. Mid-rotation respons of soil preparation intensity and timing of weed control on radiata pine. Environmental Sciences Proceedings 2022, 22, 51. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/IECF2022-13094

Cohrs, C.W. 2022. Optimizing Pine Plantation Management via Geospatial Data Science. North Carolina State University PhD. dissertation. 125pp.

Colmanetti, M.A.A., S.V. Cuadra, R.A.C.Lamparelli, J.B. Júnior, O.M.R. Cabral, O.C. Campoe, D.D.C. Victoria, L.G. Barioni, M.V. Galdos, G.K.D.A. Figueiredo, G.L. Maire. 2022. Implementation and calibration of short-rotation eucalypt plantation module within the ECOSMOS land surface model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 323: 10904352. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2022.109043

Cubbage, F., R.A. Rubilar, et al. (22 other authors). 2022. Comparative global timber investment costs, returns, and applications, 2020. Journal of Forest Business Research 1(1): 90-121.

Hackman, J. J., T. Ozyhar, S. H. Chien, F. Hilty, A. Woodley and R. L. Cook. 2022. Evaluation of synthetic hydroxyapatite as a potential phosphorus fertilizer for application in Forest plantations, Forest Science and Technology, 18:3, 127-134, DOI: 10.1080/21580103.2022.2115149

Hackman, J.J., B.D. Rose, H.E.R. Frank, R. Vilgalys, R.L. Cook, and K. Garcia. ACORN Review: NPK fertilizer use in loblolly pine plantations: Who are we really feeding? Forest Ecology and Management 520(2022) 120393. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120393

Kinane, S.M., C.R. Montes, M. Zapata, B.P. Bullock, R.L. Cook, D.R. Mishra. 2022. Influence of environmental variable on leaf area index in loblolly pine plantations. Forest Ecology and Management. Published on line. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120445

Lembrechts, J.J., and several hundred other authors. 2022. Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology 28: 3110-3144. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16060

Martello, M., C.A. Alvares, T.R. Tavares, P.R. Fiorio, O.C. Campoe, R.L. Carneiro. 2022. Height estimation of a clonal Eucalyptus test at different ages using low-altitude aerial imaging (Estimativa de altura de um teste clonal de Eucalyptus em diferentes idades utilizando imagens aéreas de baixa altitude – in Portugese). Scientia Forestalis 50: e37623110-3144. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18671/scifor.v50.07

Ritz, A.L., V.A. Thomas, R.H. Wynne, P.C. Green, T.A. Schroeder, T.J. Albaugh, H.E. Burkhart, D.R. Carter, R.L. Cook, O.C. Campoe, R.A. Rubilar, J. Rakestraw. 2022. Assessing the utility of NAIP digital aerial photogrammetric point clouds for estimating canopy height of managed loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation. 113:103012. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2022.103012

Sanfuentes, E., M. González, M. Castillo, R.A. Rubilar, X. Besoain, C. Sanhueza, M. Smith. 2022. Detection of Phytophthora cinnamomi on declining Araucaria araucana forests. Forest Pathology: 2022;52:e12765. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/efp.12765

Shively, T.J., R.L. Cook, C.A. Maier, K. Garcia, T.J. Albaugh, O.C. Campoe, Z. Leggett. 2022. Readily available resources across sites and genotypes result in greater aboveground growth and reduced fine root production in Pinus taeda. Forest Ecology and Management. 521:120431. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120431

Sumnall, M.J., T.J. Albaugh, D.R. Carter, R.L. Cook, W.C. Hession, O.C. Campoe, R.A. Rubilar, R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas. 2022. Effect of varied unmanned aerial vehicle laser scanning pulse density on accurately quantifying forest structure. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 43(2) 721-750. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2021.2023229

Valverde, J.C., R.A. Rubilar, A. Medina, O. Mardones, V. Emhart, D. Bozo, Y. Espinoza, O.C. Campoe. 2022. Taper and individual tree volume equations of Eucalyptus varieties under contrasting irrigation regimes. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science. 52:15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33494/nzjfs522022x181x


Albaugh, T.J., J.M. Albaugh, D.R. Carter, R.L. Cook, C.W. Cohrs, R.A. Rubilar, O.C.Campoe. 2021. Duration of response to nitrogen and phosphorus applications in mid-rotation Pinus taeda. For. Ecol. Manag. 498(2021) 119578. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119578

Brito, V.V., R.A. Rubilar, R.L. Cook, O.C. Campoe, D.R. Carter, O. Mardones. 2021. Evaluating remote sensing indices as potential productivity and stand quality indicators for Pinus radiata plantations. Scientia Forestalis 49(129), e3316. DOI: doi.org/10.18671/scifor.v49n129.08

Caisley, L.L. 2021. Nitrogen fertilization effects on soil pH and calcium fertilization on growth and form of loblolly pine. North Carolina State University Masters thesis. 90pp.

Carter, D.R., H.L. Allen, T.R. Fox, T.J. Albaugh, R.A. Rubilar, O.C. Campoe, R.L. Cook. 2021. A 50-year retrospective of the Forest Productivity Cooperative in the Southeastern United States: Regionwide trials. J. For. 119(1): 73-85. DOI: doi:10.1093/jofore/fvaa046

Consalter, R., A.C.V. Motta, J.Z. Barbosa, F.M. Vezzani, R.A. Rubilar, S.A. Prior, S. Nisgoski, M.V.M. Bassaco. 2021. Fertilization of Pinus taeda L. on an acidic oxisol in southern Brazil: growth, litter accumulation, and root exploration. Euro. J. For. Res. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-021-01390-z

Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A., M.P. Fernández, T.J. Albaugh, R. Ahumada, H.E. Bown, J. Gayoso, V. Gerding, O.B. Mardones, A.R. Rodríguez, R.A. Rubilar. 2021. General and above-stump volume and biomass functions for Pinus radiata, Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus nitens. Biomass and Bioenergy. 155 (2021) 106280. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2021.106280

Grover, Z.S., R.L. Cook, M. Zapata, J.B. Urrego, T.J. Albaugh, A.Zelaya, T. Ozyhar, R.A. Rubilar, D.R. Carter, O.C. Campoe. 2021. Eucalyptus grandis response to calcium fertilization in Colombia. Forest Science. Available online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/forsci/fxab042

Kinane, S.M., C.R. Montes, T.J. Albaugh, D.R. Mishra. 2021. A model to estimate leaf area index in loblolly pine plantations using Landsat 5 and 7 images. Remote Sensing 13, 1140. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13061140

Oliveira, T.W.G.D., R.A. Rubilar, C.R. Sanquetta, A.P.D. Corte, A. Behling. 2021. Simultaneous estimation as an alternative to young eucalyptus aboveground biomass modeling in ecophysiological experiments. Acta Scientiarum 43, e52126. DOI: 10.4025/actasciagron.v43i1.52126

Oliveira, T.W.G.D., R.A. Rubilar, C.R. Sanquetta, A.P.D. Corte, A. Medina, O. Mardones, V. Emhart, J.J. Quiroga, H. Valenzuela, D. Bozo. 2021. Differences in early seasonal growth efficiency and productivity of eucalyptus genotypes. New Forests. Publiched online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-021-09888-5

Thomas, V.A., R.H. Wynne, J. Kauffman, W. McCurdy, E.B. Brooks, R.Q. Thomas, J. Rakestraw. 2021. Mapping thins to identify active forest management in southern pine plantations using Landsat time series stacks. Remote Sensing of Env. 252(2021) 112127. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2020.112127

Sandoval, S., J. Cancino, E. Acuña, R.A. Rubilar. 2021. Predicting parameters of Weibull probability density function for diametric distributions in A. melanoxylon, E. camaldulensis, and E.nitens bioenergy plantation. Dendrobiology 86:8-18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.12657/denbio.086.002

Shively, T.J. 2021. The Effects of Site and Genotype on Fine Root Dynamics in Loblolly Pine. North Carolina State University Masters thesis. 75pp.

Trlica, A., R.L. Cook, T.J. Albaugh, R. Parajuli, D.R. Carter, R.A. Rubilar. 2021. Financial returns for biomass on short-rotation loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States. For. Sci. Published online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/forsci/fxab033

Ulloa, J.L., P. Aguayo, D. Conejera, R.A. Rubilar, C. Balochi, S. Valenzuela. 2021. Transcriptomic response in foliar and root tissues of a drought-tolerant Eucalyptus globulus genotype under drought stress. Trees. Published online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00468-021-02241-5


Aburto, F., E. Cartes, O. Mardones, R.A. Rubilar. 2020. Hillslope soil erosion and mobility in pine plantations and native deciduous forests in the coastal range of south-Central Chile. Land Degradation and Development. Published online. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3700

Acevedo, M., R.A. Rubilar, R.K. Dumroese, J.F. Ovalle, S. Sandoval, R. Chassin-Trubert. 2020. Nitrogen loading of Eucalyptus globulus seedlings: nutritional dynamics and influence on morphology and root growth potential. New Forests. Published online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-020-09778-2

Albaugh, T.J., C.A. Maier, O.C. Campoe, M.A. Yáñez, E.D. Carbaugh, D.R. Carter, R.L. Cook, R.A. Rubilar, T.R. Fox. 2020. Crown architecture, crown leaf area distribution, and individual tree growth efficiency vary across site, genetic entry, and planting density. Trees 34(1): 73-88. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00468-019-01898-3

Almeida, M.N.F., G.B. Vidaurre, J.E.M. Pezzopone, J.L.P.C. Lousada, M.E.C.M. Silva, A.P. Camara, S.M.G.Rocha, J.C.L. de Oliveria, O.C. Campoe, R.L. Carniero, C.A. Alvares, M. Tomazzelo-Filho, F.D.M. de Figueiredo, R.F. Oliveira. 2020. Heartwood variation of Eucalyptus urophylla is influenced by climatic conditions. For. Ecol. Manage. 458:117743. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117743

Binkley, D., O.C. Campoe, C.A. Alvares, R.L. Carneiro, J.L. Stape. 2020. Variation in whole-rotation yield among Eucalyptus genotypes in response to water and heat stresses: The TECHS project. For. Ecol. Manage. 462: 117953. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.117953

Burkhart, H.E., R.L. Amateis. 2020. Effects of early pruning on ring specific gravity in young loblolly pine trees. Wood and Fiber Science 52(2): 139-151. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22382/wfs-2020-013

Caldeira, D.R.M., C.A. ALvares, O.C. Campoe, R.E. Hakamada, I.A. Guerrini, I.R. Cegatta, J.L. Stape. 2020. Multisite evaluation of the 3-PG model for the highest phenotypic plasticity Eucalyptus clone in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 462: 117898. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.117989

Camara, A.P., G.B. Vidaurre, J.C.L. Oliveira, E.A.D.T. Picoli, M.N.F. Almeida, R.M. Roque, M.T. Filho, H.J.P. Souza, T.R. Oliveira, O.C. Campoe. 2020. Changes in hydraulic architecture across a water availability gradient for two contrasting commercial Eucalyptus clones. For. Ecol. Manage. 474: 118380. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118380

Campoe, O.C., C.A. Alvares, R.L. Carneiro, D. Binkley, M.G. Ryan, R.M. Hubbard, J. Stahl, G. Moreira, L.F. Moraes, J.L. Stape. 2020. Climate and genotype influences on carbon fluxes and partitioning in Eucalyptus plantations. For. Ecol. Manage. 475: 118445. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118445

Carter, D.R., T.J. Albaugh, O.C. Campoe, J.J. Grossman, R.A. Rubilar, M. Sumnall, C.A. Maier, R.L. Cook, T.R. Fox. 2020. Complementarity increases production in genetic mixture of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) throughout planted range. Ecosphere 11(11):e03279. DOI: doi/10.1002/ecs2.3279

Chudy, R.P., K.A. Chudy, B.K. da Silva, F.W. Cubbage, R.A. Rubilar, R. Lord. 2020. Profitability and risk sources in global timberland investments. Forest Policy and Economics. Published online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2019.102037

Cohrs, C.W., R.L. Cook, J.M. Gray, T.J. Albaugh. 2020. Sentinel-2 leaf area index estimation for pine plantations in the southeastern United States. Remote Sensing 2020, 12(9), 1406. DOI: doi:10.3390/rs12091406

Costa, S.E.D.L., R.C. de Santos, G.B. Vidaurre, R.V.O. Castro, S.M.G. Rocha, R.L. Carneiro, O.C. Campoe, C.P.D.S. Santos, I.R.F. Gomes, N.F.D.O. Carvalho, P.F. Trugilho. 2020. The effects of contrasting environments on the basic density and mean annual increment of wood from eucalyptus clones. For. Ecol. Manage. 458: 117807. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117807

de Mattos, E.M., D. Binkley, O.C. Campoe, C.A. Alvares, J.L. Stape. 2020. Variation in canopy structure, leaf area, light interception and light use efficiency among Eucalyptus clones. For. Ecol. Manage. 463: 118038. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118038

Gao, X., J. Gray, C.W. Cohrs, R. Cook, T.J. Albaugh. 2020. Longer greenup periods associated with greater wood volume growth in managed pine stands. Ag. For. Meteor. Published online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108237

Hakamada, R.E., R.M. Hubbard, G.G. Moreira, J.L. Stape, O.C. Campoe, S.F.D.B. Ferraz. 2020. Influence of stand density on growth and water use efficiency in Eucalyptus clones. For. Ecol. Manage. 466: 118125. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118125

Hubbard, R.M., R.L. Carneiro, O.C. Campoe, C.A. Alvares, M.A. Figura, G.G. Moreira. 2020. Contrasting water use of two Eucalyptus clones across a precipitation and temperature gradient in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 475: 118407. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118407

Pereira, W.J., M.D.C.R. Pappas, O.C. Campoe, J.L. Stape, D. Grattapaglia, G.J. Pappas Jr. 2020. Patterns of DNA methylation changes in elite Eucalyptus clones across contrasting environments. For. Ecol. Manage. 474: 118319. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118319

Queiroz, T.B., O.C. Campoe, C.R. Montes,C.A. Alvares, M.Z. Cuartas, I.A. Guerrini. 2020. Temperature thresholds for Eucalyptus genotypes growth across tropical and subtropical ranges in South America. For. Ecol. Manage. 472: 118248. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118248

Raymond, J.E., T.R. Fox, R.L. Cook, T.J. Albaugh, R.A. Rubilar. 2020. Losses of fertilizer nitrogen after a winter fertilization in three managed pine plantations of the southeastern United States. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 84(2): 609-617. DOI: 10.1002/saj2.20017

Rocha, S.M.G., G.B. Vidaurre, J.E.M. Pezzopane, M.N.F. Almeida, R.L. Carneiro, O.C. Campoe, H.F. Scolforo, C.A. Alvares,J.C.L. Neves, A.C. Xavier, M.A. Figura. 2020. Influence of climatic variations on production, biomass and density of wood in eucalyptus clones of different species. For. Ecol. Manage. 473: 118290. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118290

Rubilar, R. A., R. Hubbard, V. Emhart, O. Mardones, J.J. Quiroga, A. Medina, H. Valenzuela, J. Espinoza, Y. Burgos, D. Bozo. 2020. Climate and water availability impacts on early growth and growth efficiency of Eucalyptus genotypes: The importance of GxE interactions. For. Ecol. Manage. 458: 117763. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117763

Schulte, M.L., R.L. Cook, T.J. Albaugh, H.L. Allen, R.A. Rubilar, R. Pezzutti, S.L. Caldato, O. Campoe, D.R. Carter. 2020. Mid-rotation response of Pinus taeda to early silvicultural treatments in subtropical Argentina. For. Ecol. Manage. 473: 118317. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118317

Schulte, M.L., R.L. Cook, T.J. Albaugh, H.E. Burkhart, J.L. Creighton, O.C. Campoe, D.R. Carter, R.A. Rubilar, T.R. Fox. 2020. Fertilization and thinning effects on plantation loblolly pine taper and wood quality. p 273-278. In: Bragg, D.C., N.E. Koerth, A.G. Holley, eds. Proceedings of the 20th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-253. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 338 p.

Scolforo, H.E., C. Montes, R.L. Cook, H.L. Allen, T.J. Albaugh, R. Rubilar, O. Campoe. 2020. A new approach to modeling volume response from mid-rotation fertilization of Pinus taeda L. plantations. Forests 11, 646. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f11060646

Slesak, R.A., T.B. Harrington, A.W. D’Amato, D.R. Carter. 2020. Legacy effects of non-native Cytisus scoparius in glacial outwash soils: Potential impacts to forest soil productivity in western Washington. For. Ecol. Manage. Published online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118733

Soares, A.A.V., H.F. Scolforo, D.I. FOrrester, R.L. Carneiro, O.C. Campoe. 2020. Exploring the relationship between stand growth, structure and growth dominance in Eucalyptus monoclonal plantations across a continent-wide environmental gradient in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 474: 118340. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118340

Zelaya, A.S. 2020. Highly reactive calcium fertilizer response on the growth and nutrient availability of Eucalyptus grandis). North Carolina State University Masters thesis. 98pp.


Albaugh, T.J., T.R. Fox, R.L. Cook, J.E. Raymond, R.A. Rubilar, O.C. Campoe. 2019. Forest fertilizer applications in the southeastern United States from 1969 to 2016. Forest Science 65-3:355-362. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/forsci/fxy058

Araujo, M.J.D., R.C.D. Paula, O.C. Campoe, R.L. Carneiro. 2019. Adaptability and stability of eucalypt clones at different ages across environmental gradients in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 454:117631. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117631

Attia, A., Nouvellon, Y., Cuadra, S., Cabral, O., Laclau, J.P., Guillemot, J., Campoe, O., Stape, J.L., Galdos, M., Lamparelli, R., Le Maire, G. 2019. Modelling carbon and water balance of Eucalyptus plantations at regional scale: Effect of climate, soil and genotypes. For. Ecol. Manage. 449. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117460

Batista, A.P.B., H.F. Scolforo, J.M. de Mello, M.C. Guedes, M.C.N.S. Terra, J.D. Scalon, L.R. Gomide, P.G.V. Scolforo, R.L. Cook. 2019. Spatial association of fruit yield of Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl. trees in eastern Amazon. For. Ecol. Manage. 441:99-105. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.03.043

Blinn, C.E., M.N. House, R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas, T.R. Fox, M. Sumnall. 2019. Landsat 8 based leaf area index estimation in loblolly pine plantations. Forests, 10, 222. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f10030222

Brancalion, P.H.S., Campoe, O., Mendes, J.C.T., Noel, C., Moreira, G.G., van Melis, J., Stape, J.L., Guillemot, J. 2019. Intensive silviculture enhances biomass accumulation and tree diversity recovery in tropical forest restoration. Ecological Applications 29(2): e01847. 10.1002/eap.1847

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Gopalakrishnan, R., J.S. Kauffman, M.E. Fagan, J.W. Coulston, V.A. Thomas, R.H. Wynne, T.R. Fox, V. F. Quirino. 2019. Creating landscape-scale site index maps for the southeastern US is possible with airborne LiDAR and Landsat imagery. Forests, 10, 234. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f10030234

Hall, K.B., J.L. Stape, B.P. Bullock, D. Frederick, J. Wright, H.F. Scolforo, R.L. Cook. 2019. A growth and yield model for Eucalyptus benthamii in the southeastern United States. Forest Science. Published online. DOI: doi: 10.1093/forsci/fxz061

Le Maire, G., Guillemot, J., Campoe, O.C., Stape, J.L., Laclau, J.P., Nouvellon, Y. 2019. Light absorption, light use efficiency and productivity of 16 contrasted genotypes of several Eucalyptus species along a 6-year rotation in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 449. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.06.040

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Acuña, E., R.A. Rubilar, J. Cancino, T. J. Albaugh, C.A. Maier. 2018. Economic assessment of Eucalyptus globulus short rotation energy crops under contrasting silvicultural intensities on marginal agricultural land. Land Use Policy 76:329-337. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.05.028

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Albaugh, T.J., T.R. Fox, C.A. Maier, O.C. Campoe, R.A. Rubilar, R.L. Cook, J.E. Raymond, C.A. Alvares, J.L. Stape. 2018. A common garden experiment examining light use efficiency and heat sum to explain growth differences in native and exotic Pinus taeda. Forest Ecology and Management 425:35-44. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2018.05.033

Albaugh, T.J., T.R. Fox, R.A. Rubilar, R.L. Cook. 2018. Growth of young pine stands with fertilization alone versus fertilization plus vegetation control. p 99-104. In: Kirschman, J.E. comp. Proceedings of the 19th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-234. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 444 p.

Bracho, R., J.G. Vogel, R.E. Will, A. Noormets, L.J. Samuelson, E.J. Jokela, C.A. Gonzalez-Benecke, S.A. Green, D. Markewitz, J.R. Seiler, B.D. Strahm, R.O. Teskey, T.R. Fox, M.B. Kane, M.A. Laviner, K.M. McElligot, J. Yang, W. Lin, C.R. Meek, J. Cucinella, M.K. Akers, T.A. Martin. 2018. Carbon accumulation in loblolly pine plantations is increased by fertilization across a soil moisture availability gradient. For. Ecol. Manage. 424:39-52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2018.04.029

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Ojeda, H., R.A. Rubilar, C. Montes, J. Cancino, M. Espinosa. 2018. Leaf area and growth of Chilean radiata pine plantations after thinning across a water stress gradient. N.Z.J. For. Sci. 48:10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40490-018-0116-8

Rios Saucedo, J.C., R.A. Rubilar Pons, J. Cancino Cancino, E. Acuna armona, J.J. Corral Rivas, R. Rosales Serna. 2018. Densidad basica de la madera y poder calorifico en vastagos de tres cultivos dendroenergeticos. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales 9(47) 253-272. DOI: https://doi.org/10.29298/rmcf.v9i47.157

Rubilar, R.A., H.L. Allen, T.R. Fox, R.L. Cook, T. J. Albaugh, O.C. Campoe. 2018. Advances in silviculture of intensively managed plantations. Current Forestry Reports 4:23-34. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40725-018-0072-9

Rubilar, R.A., H.L. Allen, T.R. Fox, J.L. Stape. 2018. Productividad sustenable de sitios forestales manejados intensivamente. In: Silvicultura de bosques plantados con fines productivos. Ed: Espinosa, M., E. Acuna, J. Garcia, R. Rodriguez, R. A. Rubilar. Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile. pp. 37-87.

Vargas, F., C.A. Gonzalez-Benecke, R.A. Rubilar, M. Sanchez-Olate. 2018. Modelling the effect of weed competition on long-term volume yield of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantations across an environmental gradient. Forests 9:480. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-017-9625-1

Vargas, F., R.A. Rubilar, C.A. Gonzalez-Benecke, M. Sanchez-Olate, P. Aracena. 2018. Long-term response to area of competition control in Eucalyptus globulus plantations. New Forests 49:383-398. DOI: 10.3390/f9080480


Acuña, E., J. Cancino, R. Rubilar, C. Parra. 2017. Bioethanol potential from high density short rotation woody crops on marginal lands in central Chile. Cerne 23(1): 133-145. DOI: 10.1590/01047760201723012278

Albaugh, T.J., T.R. Fox, R.A. Rubilar, R.L. Cook, R.L. Amateis, H.E. Burkhart. 2017. Post-thinning density and fertilization affect Pinus taeda stand and individual tree growth. For. Ecol. Manage. 396: 207-216. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2017.04.030

Albaugh, T.J., R.A. Rubilar, C.A. Maier, E.A. Acuña, R.L. Cook. 2017. Biomass and nutrient mass of Acacia dealbata and Eucalyptus globulus bionergy plantations. Biomass and Bioenergy 97: 162-171. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2016.12.025

Binkley, D., O.C. Campoe, C. Alvares, R.L. Carneiro, I. Cegatta, J.L. Stape. 2017. The interactions of climate, spacing and genetics on clonal Eucalyptus plantations across Brazil and Uruguay. Forest Ecology and Management. 405(2017): 271-283.

Espinoza, S.E., C.R. Magni, R.A. Rubilar, M.A. Yañez, R.E. Santelices, A.M. Cabrera, M. Ivković. 2017. Field performance of various Pinus radiata breeding families established on a drought-prone site in central Chile. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 47:12. DOI: 10.1186/s40490-017-0093-3

Esquivel, E.A., R. Rubliar, S. Sandoval, E. Acuña, J. Cancino, M. Espinosa, F. Muñoz. 2017. Potasio y Boro en plantaciones dendroenergéticas, en dos suelos marginales de la Región de Biobío, Chile. Revista Forestal Measoamericana Kurú. 14(34): 27-36. DOI: 10.18845/rfmk.v14i34.2998

Esquivel, E.A., R. Rubliar, S. Sandoval, E. Acuña, J. Cancino, M. Espinosa, F. Muñoz. 2017. Uso de 3PG como herramienta para modelar plantaciones dendroenergéticas de Eucalyptus camaldulensis en la Región de Biobío, Chile. Revista Forestal Measoamericana Kurú. 14(35): 33-34. DOI: 10.18845/rfmk.v14i34.3151

Lambais, G.R., C. Jourdan, M.C. Piccolo, A. Germon, R.C. Pinheiro, Y. Nouvellon, J.L. Stape, O.C. Campoe, A. Robin, J.P. Bouillet, G. le Maire. J.P. Laclau. 2017. Contrasting phenology of Eucalyptus grandis fine roots in upper and very deep soil layers in Brazil. Plant Soil. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-017-3460-1

Maier, C.A., T.J. Albaugh, R.L. Cook, K. Hall, D. McInnis, K.H. Johnsen, J. Johnson, R.A. Rubilar, J.M. Vose. 2017. Comparative water use in short-rotation Eucalyptus benthamii and Pinus taeda trees in the southern United States. For. Ecol. Manage. 397: 126-138. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2017.04.038

Oliveiro, J.C., J.B. Feret, F.J. Ponzoni, Y. Nouvellon, J.P. Gastellu-Etchegorry, O.C. Campoe, J.L. Stape, L.C.E. Rodriguez, G. le Maire. 2017. Simulating the canopy reflectance of different Eucalypt genotypes with the DART 3-D model. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.

Rios-Saucedo, J.C., E.A. Acuña-Carmona, J. Cancino-Cancino, R.A. Rubilar-Pons, J.J. Corral-Rivas, R. Rosales-Serna. 2017. Dynamics of sprouting and basic density of wood in shoots of three wood species with dendroenergetic potential. Agrociencia 51(2): 215-227.

Rubilar, R.A., R.M. Hubbard, M.A. Yañez, A.M. Medina, H.E. Valenzuela. 2017. Quantifying differences in thermal dissipation probe calibrations for Eucalyptus globulus species and E. nitens x globulus hybrid. Trees, published online. DOI: 10.1007/s00468-017-1545-3

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Sumnall, M.J., T.R. Fox, R.H. Wynne, and V.A. Thomas. 2017. Mapping the height and spatial cover of features beneath the forest canopy at small-scales using airborne scanning discrete return Lidar. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 133:186-200.

Thomas, R.Q., E.B. Brooks, A.L. Jerslid, E.J. Ward, R.H. Wynne, T.J. Albaugh, H. Dinon-Aldridge, H.E. Burkhart, J.C. Domec, T.R. Fox, C.A. Gonzalez-Benecke, T.A. Martin, A. Noormets, D.A. Sampson, R.O. Teskey. 2017. Leveraging 35 years of Pinus taeda research in the southeastern US to constrain forest carbon cycle predictions: regional data assimilation using ecosystem experiments. Biogeosciences, 14: 3525-3547. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-14-3525-2017


Albaugh, T.J., J.M. Albaugh, T.R. Fox, H.L. Allen, R.A. Rubilar, P. Trichet, D. Loustau, S. Linder. 2016. Tamm Review: Light use efficiency and carbon storage in nutrient and water experiments on major forest plantation species. For. Ecol. Manage. 376: 333-342. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.05.031

Albaugh, T.J., T.R. Fox, M.A. Yanez, R.A. Rubilar, B. Goldfarb. 2016. Will crown ideotype help determine optimum varietal silviculture? p 302-307. In: Schweitzer, C.J., W.K. Clatterbuck, C.M. Oswalt eds. Proceedings of the 18th biennial southern silvicultural research conference. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-212. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 614 p.

Campoe, O.C., J.S.B. Munhoz, C.A. Alvares, R.L. Carneiro, E.M. de Mattos, A.P.C. Ferez, J.L. Stape. 2016. Meteorological seasonality affecting individual tree growth in forest plantations in Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management. 380(2013): 149-160.

Cartes, E., R.A. Rubilar, E. Acuna, J. Cancino, J. Rodrigues, Y. Burgos. 2016. Potential of Pinus radiata plantations for use of harvest residues in characteristic soils of south-central Chile. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forstales y del Ambiente 22(2) 221-233. DOI: 10.5154/r.rchscfa.2015.07.032

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Cook, R.L., D. Binkley, J.L. Stape. 2016. Eucalyptus plantation effects on soil carbon after 20 years and three rotations in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 359: 92-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2015.09.035

Esquivel, E.A., R. Rubliar, S. Sandoval, E. Acuña, J. Cancino, M. Espinosa, F. Muñoz. 2016. Sustainabilidad en el use de nutrientes de plantaciones dendroenergéticas en dos suelos marginales de la Región de Biobío, Chile. Revista Forestal Measoamericana Kurú. 13(33): 11-19. DOI: 10.18845/rfmk.v13i33.2573

Fox, T.R. and J. Creighton. 2016. Silvics of Oak. In A Practical Guide to Managing Oak Forests in the Eastern United States. University of Tennessee Press.

Minick, K.J., C.B. Pandey, T.R. Fox, S. Subedi. 2016. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium and N2O flux: effect of soil redox potential and N fertilization in loblolly pine forests. Biol. Fertil. Soils. In press. DOI: 10.1007/s00374-016-1098-4

Pinheiro, R.C., J.C. de Deus Jr., Y. Nouvellon, O.C. Campoe, J.L. Stape, L.L Alo, I.A. Guerrini, C. Jourdan, J.P. Laclau. 2016. A fast exploration of very deep soil layers by Eucalyptus seedlings and clones in Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management. 366(2013): 143-152.

Ramirez, M.V., R.A. Rubilar, C. Montes, H.L. Allen, T.R. Fox, and E. Sanfuentes. 2016. Mid-rotation response to fertilizer by Pinus radiata D. Don at three contrasting sites. J. For. Sci. 62(4):153-162. DOI: 10.17221/106/2015-JFS

Ramirez, M.V., R.A. Rubilar, C. Montes, J.L. Stape, T.R. Fox, and H.L. Allen. 2016. Nitrogen availability and mineralization in Pinus radiata stands fertilized mid-rotation at three contrasting sites. J. Soil. Sci and Plant Nutrition 16(1):118-136. DOI: 10.4067/S0718-95162016005000009

Raymond, J.E. 2016. Use of stable isotopes to trace the fate of applied nitrogen in forest plantations to evaluate fertilizer efficiency and ecosystem impacts. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. 218 pp.

Raymond, J.E., T.R. Fox, B.D. Strahm. 2016. Understanding the fate of applied fertilizer nitrogen in pine plantations of the southeastern USA using stable isotopes. Forests. 7:270. DOI: 10.3390/f7110270

Raymond, J.E., T.R. Fox, B.D. Strahm, J. Zerpa. 2016. Ammonia volatilization following nitrogen fertilization with enhanced efficiency fertilizers and urea in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations of the southern United States. For. Ecol. Manage. 376:247-255. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.06.015

Raymond, J.E., T.R. Fox, B.D. Strahm, J. Zerpa. 2016. Differences in the recovery of four different nitrogen containing fertilizers after two application seasons in pine plantations across the southeastern United States. For. Ecol. Manage. 380:161-171. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.08.044

Rios, J.C., E. Acuna, J. Cancino, R.A. Rubilar, J.D.J. Navar, R, Rosales. 2016. Allometric equations commonly used for estimating shoot biomass in short rotation wood energy species: a review. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forstales y del Ambiente 22(2) 193-202. DOI: 10.5154/r.rchscfa.2015.05.022

Rodriguez, A., R.A. Rubilar, F. Munoz, E. Cartes, E. Acuna, J. Cancino. 2016. Taper model by type of soil for Pinus radiata in the regions of Biobio and the Araucania, Chile. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forstales y del Ambiente 22(2) 203-220. DOI: 10.5154/r.rchscfa.2015.05.021

Salguero, D., F. Muñoz, J. Cancino, V. Flórez, R. Rubilar, E. Acuña, R. Olave. 2016. Gas exchange of two clones of Paulownia elongata x fortunei at the first year of vegetative growth at three sites of south-central Chile. Gayana Bot. 73(2): 438-452. ISSN: 0016-5301

Silva, P.H.M., O.C. Campoe, R.C. de Paula, D.J. Lee. 2016. Seedling growth and physiological responses of sixteen Eucalypt taxa under controlled water regime. Forests. 7(110):13pp. DOI:10.3390/f7060110

Subedi, S. and T.R. Fox. 2016. Predicting loblolly pine site index from soil properties using partial least-squares regression. Forest Science. 62(4):449-456. DOI: 10.5849/forsci.15-127

Subedi, S. and T.R. Fox. 2016. Soil fertility assessment in the 3-PG model using site index in the southeastern United States. p 187-188. In: Schweitzer, C.J., W.K. Clatterbuck, C.M. Oswalt eds. Proceedings of the 18th biennial southern silvicultural research conference. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-212. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 614 p.

Sumnall, M.J., T.R. Fox, R.H. Wynne, C. Blinn, and V.A. Thomas. 2016. Estimating leaf area index at multiple heights within the understorey component of Loblolly pine forests from airborne discrete-return lidar. Int. J. Remote Sensing. 37(1): 78-99. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2015.1117683

Sumnall, M.J., A. Peduzzi, T.R. Fox, R.H. Wynne, and V.A. Thomas. 2016. Analysis of a lidar voxel-derived vertical profile at the plot and individual tree scales for the estimation of forest canopy layer characteristics. Int. J. Remote Sensing. 37(11): 2653-2681. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2016.1183833

Sumnall, M.J., A. Peduzzi, T.R. Fox, R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas, and B. Cook. 2016. Assessing the transferability of statistical predictive models for leaf area index between two airborne discrete return LiDAR sensor designs within multiple intensely managed loblolly pine forest locations in the southeastern USA. Remote Sensing of Environment. 176:308-319.

Zhao, D., M. Kane, R. Teskey, T.R. Fox, T.J. Albaugh, H.L. Allen, R.A. Rubilar. 2016. Maximum response of loblolly pine plantations to silvicultural management in the southern United States. For. Ecol. Manage. 375: 105.111. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.05.035


Albaugh, T.J., J. Alvarez, R.A. Rubilar, T.R. Fox, H.L. Allen, J.L. Stape. 2015. Long-term Pinus radiata productivity gains from tillage, vegetation control, and fertilization. For. Sci. 61(4):800-808. DOI: 10.5849/forsci.14-207

Albaugh, T.J., T.R. Fox, H.L. Allen, R.A. Rubilar. 2015. Juvenile southern pine response to fertilization is influenced by soil drainage and texture. Forests 6:2799-2819. DOI: 10.3390/f6082799

Albaugh, T.J., R.A. Rubilar, T.R. Fox, H.L. Allen, J.B. Urrego, M. Zapata, J.L. Stape. 2015. Response of Eucalyptus grandis in Colombia to mid-rotation fertilization is dependent on site and rate but not frequency of application. For. Ecol. Manage. 350:30-39. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2015.04.030.

Alvares, C.A., E.M. de Mattos, P.C. Sentalhas, A.C. Miranda, J.L. Stape. 2015. Modeling temporal and spatial variability of leaf wetness duration in Brazil. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 120(3):455-467.

Ferez, A.P.C., O.C. Campoe, J.C.T. Mendes, J.L. Stape. 2015. Silvicultural opportunities for increasing carbon stock in restoration of Atlantic forest in Brazil. For. Ecol. and Manage. 350:40-45.

Gorgens, E.B., P. Packalen, A.G.P. da Siilva, C.A. Alvares, O.C. Campoe, J.L. Stape and L.C.E. Rodriguez. 2015. Stand volume models based on stable metrics as from multiple ALS acquisitions in Eucalyptus plantations Ann. For Sci. 72:489-498. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13595-015-0457-x

Hakamada, R.E., J.L. Stape, C.C.Z. de Lemos, A.E.A. Amleida, L.F. Silva. 2015. Using forest inventory and uniformity among trees to monitor silvicultural quality in Eucalyptus clonal plantations. Scientia Forestalis 43(105):27-36.

Hall, K.B. 2015. Modeling the actual productivity of Eucalyptus benthamii in the southeastern United States. Masters Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 145 pp.

Henry, M., M.C. Jara, M. Réjou-Méchain, D. Piotto, J.M.M. Fuentes, C. Wayson, F.A. Guier, H.C. Lombis, E.C. López, R.C. Lara, K.C. Rojas, J. D.Á. Pasquel, Á.D. Montoya, J.F. Vega, A.J. Galo, O.R. López, L.G. Marklund, F. Milla, J.D.J.N. Chaidez, E.O. Malavassi, J. Pérez, C.R. Zea, L.R. García, R.A. Rubilar, C. Sanquetta, C. Scott, J. Westfall, M. Zapata-Cuartas,L. Saint-André. 2015. Recommendations for the use of tree models to estimate national forest biomass and assess their uncertainty. Annals of Forest Science 72(6)769-77. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13595-015-0465-x

Meeks, A.L. 2015. Understory competing vegetation characterization and assessment in midrotation loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) stands at Hofmann Forest, NC. Masters Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 112 pp.

Minick, K.J., B.D. Strahm, T.R. Fox, E.B. Sucre, Z.H. Leggett. 2015. Microbial nitrogen cycling response to forest -based bioenergy production.  Ecological applications25(8), 2366-2381. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/14-1745.1.

Morales, M., G. Aroca, R.A. Rubilar, E. Acuna, B. Mola-Yudego, S. Gonzalez-Garcia. 2015. Cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment of Eucalyptus globulus short rotation plantations in Chile. J. Cleaner Production. 99(10)239-249. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.02.085

Pulito, A.P., J.L.M. Goncalves, P.J. Smethurst, J.C.A. Junior, C.A. Alvares, J.H.T. Rocha, A. Hubner, L.F. de Moraes, A.C. Miranda, M.Y. Kamogawa, J.L. Gava, R. Chaves, C.R. Silva. 2015. Available nitrogen and responses to nitrogen fertilizer in Brazilian eucalypt plantations on soils of contrasting texture. Forests 6:973-991. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f6040973.

Raymond, J.E., T.R. Fox, B.D. Strahm. 2015. Uptake of 15N labeled fertilizer in loblolly pine plantations of the southern United States. Proc. 17th Biennial Southern Silviculture Conference. 247-248

Riffo, G., F. Munoz, M. Uribe, J. Cancino, E. Acuna, R.A. Rubilar. 2015. Macropropagacion de Paulownia elongata x fortunei a partir de esquejes de raiz en la Region del Biobio, Chile. Gayana Botanica. 72(1):70-75.

Rubilar, R.A., H.L. Allen, T.R. Fox, J.L. Stape, and T.J. Albaugh. 2015. Disponibilidad de nutrients y fertilizacion en plantaciones forestales. In: Fertilidad de suelos y fertilizacion de cultivos. Editors: Echeverria, H.E. and Garcia, F.O. INTA Ediciones and IPNI Cono Sur. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pages 753-769.

Schmit, R., F. Mora, V.I. Emhart, R.A. Rubilar. 2015. Longitudinal analysis in the selection of Eucalyptus globulus clones under contrasting water availability conditions. Scientia Forestalis. 43(105):217-224.

Silva, M.C. 2015. Respuesta en parametros de intercambio gaseoso en plantas jovenes de genotipos de Eucalyptus spp. sometidas a deficit hidrico. Masters Thesis. Universidad de Concepcion. 30pp.

Silva, A.G, E.B Gorgens, O.C. Campoe, C.A. Alvares, J.L. Stape, L.C. Rodriguez. 2015. Assessing biomass based on canopy height profiles using airborne laser scanning data in eucalypt plantations. Scientia Agricola. 72(6): 504-512.

Smethurst, P.J., J.L.M. Goncalves, A.P. Pulito, S. Gomes, K. Paul, C.A. Alvares and J.C.A. Junior. 2015. Appraisal of the SNAP model for predicting nitrogen mineralization in tropical soils under eucalyptus. R. Bras. Ci. Solo. 39:523-532. Ecological Applications. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/01000683rbcs20140379.

Subedi, S., T.R. Fox and R.H. Wynne. 2015. Determination of fertility rating (FR) in the 3-PG model for loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States based on site index. Forests 6(9):3002-3027. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/f6093002.

Tacilla, A. 2015. Impacts of fertilization on soil properties in loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States. Masters Thesis. Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. 71 pp.

Venegas-Gonzalez, A., M.P. Chagas, C.R.A. Junior, C.A. Alvares, F.A. Roig and M.T.Filho. 2015. Sensitivity of tree ring growth to local and large-scale climate variability in a region of Southeastern Brazil. Theor. Appl. Climatol. In press. Online version available DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00704-014-1351-4.

Ward, E.J., J.C. Domec, M.A. Laviner, T.R. Fox, G. Sun, S. McNulty, J. King, A. Noormets. 2015. Fertilization intensifies drought stress: Water use and stomatal conductance of Pinus taeda in a midrotation fertilization and throughfall reduction experiment. For. Ecol. Manage. In press. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2015.04.009.

Will, R., T.R. Fox, M. Akers, J.C. Domec, C. Gonzalez-Benecke, E. J. Jokela, M. Kane,M.A. Laviner, G. Lokuta, D. Markewitz, M.A. McGuire, C.Meek, A. Noormets, L. Samuelson,  J. Seiler, B. Strahm, R. Tesky, J. Vogel, E. Ward, J. West, D. Wilson, T. A. Martin. 2015. A Range-wide Experiment to Investigate Nutrient and Soil Moisture Interactions in Loblolly Pine Plantations. Forests. In Press.

Yanez, M.A., T.R. Fox, and J.R. Seiler. 2015. Early growth response of loblolly pine varieties and families to silvicultural intensity. Forest Ecology and Management. In Press.


Albaugh, J.M., T.J. Albaugh, R.R. Heiderman, Z. Leggett, J.L. Stape, K. King, K.P. O’Neill, J.S. King. 2014. Evaluating changes in switchgrass physiology, biomass, and light-use efficiency under artificial shade to estimate yields if intercropped with Pinus taeda L. Agroforest Syst. 88:489-503. DOI: 10.1007/s10457-014-9708-3

Albaugh, T.J., L.C. Kiser, T.R. Fox, H.L. Allen, R.A. Rubilar, J.L. Stape. 2014. Ecosystem nutrient retention after fertilization of Pinus taeda. For. Sci. 60(6):1131-1139. DOI: 10.5849/forsci.13-159

Alvares, CA, JL Stape, PC Sentelhas, JLM Goncalves, G Sparove. 2014. Koppen’s climate classification map for Brazil. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2013/0507

Amateis, R.L. and C.A. Carlson. 2014. Modeling diameter class removals for thinned loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations. For. Ecol. Manage. 327:26-30. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2014.04.032

Campoe, O.C., C. Iannelli, J.L. Stape, R.L. Cook, M.C.T. Mendes, R. Vivian. 2014. Atlantic forest tree species responses to silivicultural practices in a degraded pasture restoration plantation: From leaf physiology to survival and initial growth. For. Ecol. and Manage. 313:233-242.

Carlson, C.A., T.R. Fox, H.L. Allen, T.J. Albaugh, R.A. Rubilar, J.L. Stape. 2014. Growth responses of loblolly pine in the southeast United States to midrotation applications of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients. For. Sci. 60(1):157-169. DOI: 10.5849/forsci.12-158

Carlson, C.A., T.R. Fox, H.L. Allen, T.J. Albaugh, J.L. Stape, R.A. Rubilar. 2014. Effects of combination plowing on the survival and growth of loblolly pine. Tree Planters Notes 57(2):18-22.

Cook, R.L., D. Binkley, J.C.T. Mendes, J.L. Stape. 2014. Soil carbon stocks and forest biomass following conversion of pasture to broadleaf and conifer plantations in southeastern Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 324:37-45. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.03.019.

Cook, R.L., J.L. Stape, D. Binkley. 2014. Soil carbon dynamics following reforestation of tropical pastures. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78:290–296

Elliot, J.R., T.R. Fox. 2014. Ammonia volatilization following fertilization with urea or ureaform in a thinned loblolly pine plantation.  Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78:1469-1473. DOI: 10.2136/sssaj2013.12.0512n

Goncalves, J.L.M., C.A. Alvares, M. Behling, J.M. Alves, G.T. Pizzzi and A. Angeli. 2014. Productivity of eucalypt plantations managed under high forest and coppice systems, depending on edaphoclimatic factors. Sci. For. 42(103):411-419

Goncalves, J.L.M., Silva, L.D., Behling, M. and C.A. Alvares. 2014. Management of Industrial Forest Plantations. In Borges, J.G. et.al. (eds) The Management of Industrial Forest Planatations: Theoretical Foundations and Applications. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-8899-1_4

Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A., S.A. Gezan, T.J. Albaugh, H.L. Allen, H.E. Burkhart, T.R. Fox, E.J. Jokela, C.A. Maier, T.A. Martin, R.A. Rubilar, L.J. Samuelson. 2014. Local and general above-stump biomass functions for loblolly pine and slash pine trees. For. Ecol. Manage. 334:254-276. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.09.002

Minick, K.J., B.D. Strahm, T.R. Fox, E.B. Sucre, Z.H. Leggett, J.L. Zerpa. 2014. Switchgrass intercropping reduces soil inorganic nitrogen in a young loblolly pine plantation located in coastal North  Carolina.  For. Ecol. Manage. 319:161-168.  DOI 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.02.013

Otto, M.S.G., R.M. Hubbard, D. Binkley, J.L. Stape. 2014. Dominant clonal Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla trees use water more efficiently. For. Ecol. and Manage. 328:117-121.

Watt, M., R.A. Rubilar, M. Kimberley, D. Kriticos, V. Emhart, O. Mardones, M. Acevedo, J. Pincheira, J.L. Stape, T.R. Fox. 2014. Using seasonal measurements to inform ecophysiology: Extracting cardinal growth temperatures for process based growth models of five Eucalyptus species/crosses from simple field trials. N.Z.J. For. Sci. 44:9.


Albaugh, T.J., T.R. Fox, C.E. Blinn, H.L. Allen, R.A. Rubilar, J.L. Stape. 2013. Developing a new foliar nutrient-based method to predict response to competing vegetation control in Pinus taeda. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 37(4):196-201. 

Alvares, C.A., J.L. Stape, P.C. Sentelhas, J.L.D.M. Goncalves. 2013.  Modeling monthly mean air temperature for Brazil.  Theor. Appl. Climatol. 113:407-427.

Alvarez, J., H.L. Allen, T.J. Albaugh, J.L. Stape, B.P. Bullock, C. Song. 2013. Factors influencing the growth of Radiata Pine plantations in Chile. Forestry 86(1):  13-26.

Binkley, D., O.C. Campoe, M. Gspaltl, D.I. Forrester. 2013. Light absorption and use efficiency in forests:Why patterns differ for trees and stands. Forest Ecology and Management 288(2013): 5-13.

Campoe, O.C.,  J.L.Stape, Y.Nouvellon,  J.Laclau, W.L.Bauerle, D.Binkley, G.le Maire. 2013. Stem production, light absorption and light use efficiency between dominant and non-dominant trees of Eucalyptus grandis across a productivity gradient in Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management 288: 14-20.

Campoe, O.C., J.L. Stape, T.J. Albaugh, H.L. Allen, T.R. Fox, R.A. Rubilar and D. Binkley. 2013. Fertilization and irrigation effects on tree level aboveground net primary production, light interception and light use efficiency in a loblolly pine plantation. Forest Ecology and Management 288:43-48.

Ferraz, S.F.B., M.Pereira, F.Paula, C.Vettorazzi, C.A. Alvares. 2013. Simulação de perdas de solo em função de cenários de adequação ambiental em microbacias agrícolas. Scientia Forestalis 98: 271-282

Gacitua Arias, S., R. A. Rubilar, E. Sanfuentes von Stowasser.  2013.  Temporal analysis of charcoal root rot in forest nurseries under different pathogen inoculum densities and soil moisture content.  Tropical Plant Pathology 38(3):179-187.

Gonçalves, J.L.M., C.A. Alvares, A.R. Higa, L.D. Silva, A.C. Alfenas, J. Stahl, S.F.B. Ferraz, W.P. Lima, P.H.S. Brancalion, A. Hubner, J.P.D. Bouillet, J.P. Laclau, Y. Nouvellon, D. Epron.  2013.  Integrating genetic and silvicultural strategies to minimize abiotic and biotic constraints in Brazilian eucalypt plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 301:6-27.

Kiser, L.C., T.R. Fox, C.A. Carlson.  2013.  Foliage and litter chemistry, decomposition, and nutrient release in Pinus taeda.  Forests 4:595-612.  DOI:10.3390/f4030595.

Laclau, J.P., E.Silva, G.R.Lambais, M.Bernoux, G. le Maire, J.L.Stape, J.P. Bouillet, J.L.M.Goncalves, C.Jourdan, Y.Nouvellon. 2013. Dynamics of soil exploration by fine roots down to a depth of 10 m throught the entire rotation in Eucalyptus grandis plantation. Frontiers in Plant Science, Functional Plant Ecology / doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00243

Marsden, C., Y.Nouvellon, J.P.Laclau, M.Corbeels, R.E.McMurtrie, J.L.Stape, D.Epron, G.le Maire, 2013. Modifying the G’DAY process-based model to simulate the spatial variability of Eucalyptus plantation growth on deep tropical soils. Forest Ecology and Management 301: 112–128

Mora, F., R.A. Rubilar, V.I. Emhart, J. Saavedra.  2013.  Prediccion Bayesiana de parametros geneticos en clone de Eucalyptus globulus bajo condiciones de suplemento hidrico.  Ciencia Florestal, Santa Maria 23(2):  529-536.

Navarrete-Campos, D., L.A. Bravo, R.A. Rubilar, V.I. Emhart, R. Sanhueza.  2013.  Drought effects on water use efficiency, freezing tolerance and survival of Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus globulus x nitens cuttings.  New Forests 44:119-134.

Otto, M.S.G., A.R.Vergani, A.N.Goncalves, A.Vrechi, S.R.Silva, J.L.Stape. 2013. Photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and productivity of Eucalyptus clones under different soil and climatic conditions. Arvore 36: 431-439

Rubilar, R.A., T.J. Albaugh, H.L. Allen, J. Alvarez, T.R. Fox and J.L. Stape. 2013. Foliage development and leaf area duration in Pinus radiata. Forest Ecology and Management 304:455-463.

Rubilar, R.A., T.J. Albaugh, H.L. Allen, J. Alvarez, T.R. Fox and J.L. Stape. 2013. Influences of silvicultural manipulation on above- and belowground biomass accumulations and leaf area in young Pinus radiataplantations, at three contrasting sites in Chile.  Forestry 86:27-38.  DOI:10.1093/forestry/cps055.

Sabatia, C.A., T.R. Fox, and H. Burkhart. 2013. Extending a model system to predict biomass in mixed-species southern Appalachian hardwood forests. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 37(2):122-126. DOI 10.5849/sjaf.12-005.

Silva, P.H.M., A.C. Miranda, M.L.T. Moraes, E.L. Furtado, J.L. Stape, C.A. Alvares, P.C. Sentelhas, E.S. Mori, A.M. Sebbenn. 2013. Selecting for rust (Puccinia psidii) resistance in Eucalyptus grandis in São Paulo State, Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management 303:91-97.

Stanturf, J.A., E.D. Vance, T.R. Fox, M. Kirst.  2013.  Eucalyptus beyond its native range:  Environmental issues in exotic bioenergy plantation.  Forestry.  DOI:  10.1155/2013/463030.

Zhou, J., C.Proisy, X.Descombes, G.le Maire, Y.Nouvellon, J.L.Stape, G.Viennois, J.Zerubia, P.Couteron. 2013. Mapping local density of young Eucalyptus plantations by individual tree detection in high spatial resolution satellite images. Forest Ecology and Management 301: 129-141


Albaugh, T.J., H.L. Allen, J.L. Stape, T.R. Fox, R.A. Rubilar, J.W. Price. 2012. Intra-annual nutrient flux in Pinus taeda. Tree Physiology 32(10):1237-1258.

Albaugh, T.J., E.D. Vance, C. Gaudreault, T.R. Fox, H.L. Allen, J.L. Stape, and R.A. Rubilar. 2012. Carbon emissions and sequestration from fertilization of pine in the Southeastern United States. Forest Science 58:419-429.

Albaugh, T.J., J.L. Stape, T.R. Fox, R.A. Rubilar, and H.L. Allen. 2012. Midrotation vegetation control and fertilization response in Pinus taeda and Pinus elliottii across the Southeastern United States.  Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 36(1):44-53.

Alvares, C.A., J.L. Stape, P.C. Sentalhas, and J.L.M. Goncalves. 2012.  Modeling monthly mean air temperature for Brazil. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (in press, online version available DOI 10.1007/s00704-012-0796-6).

Blinn, C.E., T.J. Albaugh, T.R. Fox, R.H. Wynne, J.L. Stape, R.A. Rubilar and H.L. Allen. 2012. A Method for Estimating Deciduous Competition in Pine Stands using Landsat. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 36:71-78.

Brondani, G.E., F.J.B.Baccarin, H.W.W.Ondas, J.L.Stape, A.N.Goncalves, M.Almeida. 2012. Low temperature, IBA concentrations and optimal time for adventitious rooting of Eucalyptus benthamii mini-cuttings. Journal of Forestry Research 23: 583-592

Campoe, O.C., J.L.Stape, J.Laclau, C.Marsden, Y.Nouvellon. 2012. Stand-level patterns of carbon fluxes and partitioning in a Eucalyptus grandis plantation across a gradient of productivity, in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Tree Physiology 32: 696-706

Cook, R.L. 2012. Long-term Effects of Forest Plantations on Soil Carbon in Brazil. Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 124 pp.

Espinoza, J.A., H.L. Allen, S.E. McKeand, P.M. Dougherty. 2012. Stem sinuosity in loblolly pine with nitrogen and calcium additions. Forest Ecology and Management. 265:55-61.

Gazell, A.C.F., C.A.Righi, J.L. Stape, O.C.Campoe. 2012. Tree species richness, does it play a key role on a forest restoration plantation? Bosque 33: 3-4

Hernandez, A.C. and R.P. Rubilar. 2012. Efecto de la fertilizacion y fosforada en el desarrollo y fenologia de brotes de setos de Pinus radiata (Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on Pinus radiata hedges shoots phenology and growth). Bosque 33(1):53-61.

Jones, P.D. and T.R. Fox. 2012. Stem sinuosity in young and merchantable stands of Pinus taeda. Forest Products Journal. 62:354-358.

Kiser, L.C. and T.R.  Fox. In Press. Short Rotation Woody Crop Biomass Production for Energy. Chapter 6. In B. Singh (Ed.). Biofuel Crop Sustainability. John Wiley and Sons.

Kiser, L.C. and T.R. Fox. 2012. Soil accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus following annual fertilization of loblolly pine and sweetgum on sandy sites. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76:2278-2288.

Peduzzi, A., R.H. Wynne, T.R. Fox, R.F. Nelson, and V.A. Thomas. 2012. Estimating Leaf area index in intensively managed pine plantations using airborne laser scanner data. Forest Ecology and Management 270:54-65.

Peduzzi, A., R.H. Wynne, V.A. Thomas, R.F. Nelson, J.J. Reis and M. Sanford. 2012. Combined Use of Airborne Lidar and DBInSAR Data to Esitmate LAI in Temperate Mixed Forests. Remote Sensing 4:1758-1780.

Sandoval, S., J. Cancino, R.A. Rubilar, E. Esquivel, E. Acuna, F. Munoz, M. Espinosa.  2012.  Probability distributions in high-density dendroenergy plantations.  Forest Science 58(6):  663-672.

Stovall, J.P., J.R. Seiler, and T.R. Fox. 2012. Respiratory C fluxes and root exudation differ in two full-sib clones of Pinus taeda (L.) under contrasting fertilizer regimes. Plant and Soil. 363:257-271. DOI 10.1007/s11104-012-1319-z.

Stoval, J.P., J.R. Seiler, and T.R. Fox. 2012. Allometry varies among 6-year-old Pinus taeda (L.) clones in the Virginia Piedmont. Forest Science.  DOI:  10.5849/forsci.10-095.

Stovall, J.P., T.R. Fox, and J.R. Seiler. 2012. Short-term changes in biomass partitioning of two full-sib clones of Pinus taeda L. under differing fertilizer regimes over 4 months. Trees: Structure and Function. 26:951-961.  DOI:  10.1007/s00468-011-0673-4


Alvarez, J.H. Mitasova and H.L. Allen. 2011. Estimating Solar Radiation in South-Central Chile. Chilean J. Agric. Res. Vol. 71(4):601-609.

Antony, F., L.R. Schimleck, R.F. Daniels, A.C. Clark III. 2011. Effect of fertilization on growth and wood properties of thinned and unthinned midrotation loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stands. South. J. Appl. For. 35(3):142-147.

Atwood, C.J., T.R. Fox, D.L. Loftis.  2011.  Effects of various silvicultural systems on regeneration in mixed hardwood stands of the southern Appalachians.  Journal of Sustainable Forestry 30(5):419-440.

Fox, T.R., B.W. Miller, R.R. Rubilar, J.L. Stape, T.J. Albaugh. 2011. Phosphorus nutrition of forest plantations: the role of inorganic and organic P. Chapter 13 In: Buneman, E., A. Oberson, and E. Frossard (eds). Phosphorus in action, Soil Biology 26. Springer-Verlag.

Harrison, R.H, D. Richter, and T.R. Fox. 2011. Deep soils. Forest Science. 57:1-2.

Le Maire G., Marsden C., Verhoef W., Ponzoni F., Seen D., Stape J.L., Nouvellon Y. 2011. Leaf area index estimation with MODIS reflectance time series and model Inversion during full rotations of Eucalyptus plantations. Remote Sensing of Environment 115:586-599.

Le Maire G., Marsden C., Nouvellon Y., Grinand C., Hakamada R., Stape J.L., and J.P. Laclau. 2011. MODIS NDVI time-series allow the monitoring of Eucalyptus plantation biomass. Remote Sensing of Environment 115:2613-2625

Miller, B.W., T.R. Fox.  2011.  Long-term fertilizer effects on oxalate-desorbable phosphorus pools in a Typic Paleaquult.  Soil Science Society of America Journal 75(3):  1110-1116.

Silva E., Bouillet J.P., Goncalves J.L., Abreu C., Trivelin P., Nouvellon Y., Stape J.L., and Laclau J.P. 2011. Functional specialization of Eucalyptus fine roots: contrasted potential uptake rates for nitrogen, potassium and calcium tracers at varying soil depth. Functional Ecology (doi: 10.1111/j.1365- 2435.2011.01867.x).

Stovall, J.P., C.A. Carlson, J.R. Seiler, T.R. Fox, M.A. Yanez.  2011.  Growth and stem quality responses to fertilizer application by 21 loblolly pine clones in the Virginia Piedmont.  Forest Ecology and Management 261:  362-372.

Sucre, E.B., J.W. Tuttle, T.R. FOx.  2011.  The use of ground-penetrating radar to accurately estimate soil depth in rocky forest soils.  Forest Science 57(1):  59-66.

Vickers, L.A., T.R. Fox, D.L. Loftis, and D.A. Boucugnani.  2011.  Predicting forest regeneration in the central Appalachians using the REGEN Expert System.  Journal of Sustainable Forestry 30(8):  790-822.  DOI:  10.1080/10549811.2011.577400.

Vickers, L.A., T.R. Fox, J.L. Stape, and T.J. Albaugh. 2011. Silviculture of varietal loblolly pine plantations: Second year impacts of spacing and silvicultural treatments on varieties with differing crown ideotypes. pp. 361-365. In Butnor, J.R. (ed) Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference. Southern Research Station e-General Technical Report SRS-156. USDA Forest Service Asheville, NC.

Zerpa, J. L. and T.R. Fox. 2011. Controls of Volatile Ammonia losses from loblolly pine plantations fertilized with urea in the Southeast USA. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75:257-266.


Acuña, E., M. Espinosa, J. Cancino, R. Rubilar, and F. Muñoz. 2010. Estimating the bioenergy potential of Pinus radiata plantations in Chile. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria. 37(1):93-102.

Albaugh, J.M., L. Blevins, H.L. Allen, T.J. Albaugh, T.R. Fox, J.L. Stape, and R.A. Rubilar. 2010. Characterization of foliar macro- and micronutrient concentrations and ratios in loblolly pine plantations in the Southeastern United States. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 34(2): 53-64.

addendum to Characterization of foliar macro – and micronutrient concentrations and ratios in loblolly pine plantations in the Southeastern United States – Cumulative frequency distributions of foliar macro – and micronutrient concentrations and their ratios to nitrogen in loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States.

Albaugh, T.J., H.L. Allen, J. Stape, T.R. Fox, R.A. Rubilar, C.A. Carlson, and R. Pezutti. 2010. Leaf area duration in natural range and exotic Pinus taeda. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 40(2), pp. 224-234.

Binkley, D., J.L. Stape, W.L. Bauerle, and M.G. Ryan. 2010. Explaining growth of individual trees: Light interception and efficiency of light use by Eucalyptus at four sites in Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management 259:1704-1713.

Campoe, O.C., J.L. Stape, and J.C.T. Mendes. 2010. Can intensive management accelerate the restoration of Brazil’s Atlantic forest? Forest Ecology and Management 259:1808-1814.

Cubbage, F., S. Koesbandana, P. MacDonagh, R. Rubilar, G. Balmelli, V.M. Olmos, R. de la Torre, M. Murara, V. Hoeflich, H. Kotze, R. Gonzalez, O. Carrero, G. Frey, T.A. Adams, J. Turner, R. Lord, J. Huang, C. MacIntyre, K. McGinley, R. Abt, and R. Phillips. 2010. Global timber investments, wood costs, regulation, and risk. Biomass & Bioenergy. Volume 34, pp. 1667-1678.

Doi, B., D. Binkley, J.L. Stape. 2010. Does reverse growth dominance develop in old plantations of Eucalyptus saligna? Forest Ecology and Management 259:1815-1818.

Homyack, J.A., E.B. Sucre, C.A. Haas, and T.R. Fox. 2010. Does Plenthodon cinereus affect leaf litter decomposition and invertebrate abundances in mixed oak forests? Journal of Herpetology.44:447-456.

Hubbard, R.M., J.L. Stape, M.G. Ryan, A.C. Almeida, and J. Rojas. 2010. Effects of irrigation on water use and water use efficiency in two fast growing Eucalyptus plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 259:1714-1721.

Love-Meyers, K.R., A.C. Clark III, L.R. Schimleck, P.M. Dougherty, R.F. Daniels. 2010. The effects of irrigation and fertilization on specific gravity of loblolly pine. For. Sci. 56(5):484-493.

Maurice, J., J.P. Laclau, D.S. Re, J.L. de Moraes Gonçalves, Y. Nouvellon, J.P. Bouillet, J.L. Stape, J. Ranger, M. Behling, and J.L. Chopart. 2010. Fine root isotropy in Eucalytpus grandis plantations.Towards the prediction of root length densities from root counts on trench walls. Plant Soil. DOI 10.1007/s11104-010-0380-8.

Munsell, J.F. and T.R. Fox. 2010. An analysis of the feasibility for increasing woody biomass production from pine plantations in the Southern United States. Biomass and Bioenergy. 34:1631-1642.

Peduzzi, A., H.L. Allen, R.H. Wynne. 2010. Leaf area of overstory and understory in pine plantations in the flatwoods. South. J. Appl. For. 34(4):154-160.

Ryan, M.G., J.L. Stape, D. Binkley, S. Fonseca, R.A. Loos, E.N. Takahashi, C.R. Silva, S.R. Silva, R.E. Hakamada, J.M. Ferreira, A.M.N. Lima, J.L. Gava, F.P. Leite, H.B. Andrade, J.M. Alves, and G.G.C. Silva. 2010. Factors controlling Eucalyptus productivity: How water availability and stand structure alter production and carbon allocation. Forest Ecology and Management 259:1695-1703.

Rubilar, R.A., H.L. Allen, J.S. Alvares, T.J. Albaugh, T.R. Fox, and J.L. Stape. 2010. Silvicultural manipulation and site effect on above and below ground biomass equations for young Pinus radiata plantations. Biomass and Bioenergy 34:1825-1837.

Stape, J.L., Binkley, D. 2010. Insights from full-rotation Nelder spacing trials with Eucalyptus in São Paulo, Brazil. Southern Forests 2010, 72(2):90–97.

Stape, J.L., D. Binkley, M.G. Ryan, S. Fonseca, R.A. Loos, E.N. Takahashi, C.R. Silva, S.R. Silva, R.E. Hakamada, J.M.A. Ferreira, A.M.N. Lima, J.L. Gava, F.P. Leite, H.B. Andrade, J.M. Alves, G.G.C. Silva, and M.R. Azevedo. 2010. The Brazil Eucalyptus Potential Productivity Project: Influence of water, nutrients and stand uniformity on wood production. Forest Ecology and Management 259:1684-1694.

Zerpa, J.L. 2010. Effects of Forest Floor Retention and Incorporation on Soil Nitrogen Availability in a Regenerating Pine Plantation. PhD Dissertation. Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 127 pp.

Zerpa, J.L., Allen, H.L., Campbell, R.G., Phelan, and Duzan, H. 2010. Influence of variable organic matter retention on nutrient availability in a 10-year-old loblolly pine plantation. Forest Ecology and Management, 259(8):1480-1489.


Albaugh, T.H., L. Allen, T.R. Fox, C.A. Carlson, and R.A. Rubilar. 2009. Opportunities for fertilization on Loblolly Pine in the sandhills of the Southeatern United States. South. J. Appl. For. 33(3):129-136.

Albaugh T.J., J. Bergh, T. Lundmark, U. Nilsson, J.L. Stape, H. L. Allen and S. Linder. 2009. Do biological expansion factors adequately estimate stand-scale aboveground component biomass for Norway Spruce? Forest Ecology and Management 258:2628-2637.

Amateis, R.L., H.E. Burkhart and C.A. Carlson. 2009. Does row orientation affect the growth of loblolly pine plantations? South. J. Appl. For. 33(2):77-80.

Atwood, C.J., T.R. Fox, and D.L. Loftis. 2009. Effects of alternative silviculture on stump sprouting in the Southern Appalachians. Forest Ecology and Management. 257:1305-1313.

Carlson, C.A., T.R. Fox, J. Creighton, P.M. Dougherty and J.R. Johnson. 2009 Nine-year growth responses to planting density manipulation and repeated early fertilization in a Loblolly Pine stand in the Virginia piedmont. South J. Appl. For. 33(3):109-114.

Carlson, C.A., T.R. Fox, H.E. Burkhart, H.L. Allen and T.J. Albaugh. 2009. Accuracy of subsampling for height measurements in Loblolly Pine plots. South. J. Appl. For. 33(3):145-149.

Cubbage, F., P. MacDonagh, G. Balmelli, R. Rubilar, R. de la Torre, V. Hoeflich, M. Murara, H. Kotze, R. Gonzalez, O. Carrero, G. Frey, S. Koesbandana, V.M. Olmos, J. Turner, R. Lord, J. Huang, and R. Abt. 2010. Global forest plantation investment returns. XIII World Forestry Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-23 October 2009.

Espinoza, J.A. 2009. Genetic and Nutritional Effects on Stem Sinuosity on Loblolly Pine. Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 102 pp.

Ferreira, J.M. and J.L.Stape. 2009. Productivity gains by fertilization in Eucalyptus urophylla clonal plantations across gradients in site and stand conditions. Southern Forests 71(4):253-258.

Liu, L., J.S. King, F.L. Booker, C.P. Giardina, H.L. Allen, and S. Hu. 2009. Enhanced litter input rather than changes in litter chemistry drive soil carbon and nitrogen cycles under elevated CO2: a microcosm study. Global Change Biology, 15:441-453.

Marsden C., G. Maire, J.L. Stape, D. Seen, O. Roupsard, Y. Nouvellon. 2009. Relating MODIS vegetation index time-series with canopy structure, light absorption and stem production of clonal Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. Forest ecology and management, 259:1741-1753.

Muñoz F., E. Espinosa, E. Acuña, J. Cancino y R. Rubilar. 2009. Las plantaciones forestales como cultivos energéticos. Revista Chile Forestal Nº 339, Especial Bioenergía, Chile. 40-43 pp.

Pratt, W.A. and T.R. Fox. 2009. Streamside management zone effectiveness for protecting water quality following forestland application of biosolids. Journal of Environmental Quality 38:2106-2120.

Ryan, M.G., M. Cavalieri, A. Almeida., J.L.Stape. 2009. Wood CO2 efflux and foliar respiration for Eucalyptus in Hawaii and Brazil. Tree Physiology 29:1213–1222.

Sucre, E.B and T.R. Fox. 2009. Decomposing stumps influence carbon and nitrogen pools and fine-root distribution in soils. Forest Ecology and Management 258:2242-2248.

Valdebenito, B.C., S.P. Sandoval, E.A. Esquivel, E.A. Acuña, M.A. Espinosa, J.O. Cancino, R.A. Rubilar, F.E. Muñoz, and L.A. Cerda. First report of Ectinogonia buquetti (Spin.) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in bioenergy plantations of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Dehnh.) in Chile. New Forests. DOI 10.1007/s11056-009-9151-x.


Albaugh, T.J., H.L. Allen, and T.R. Fox. 2008. Nutrient use and uptake in Pinus taeda. Tree Phys 28:1083-1098.

Atwood, C.J. 2008. Effects of Alternative Silvicultural Treatments on Regeneration in the Southern Appalachians. M.S. Thesis. Department of Forestry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Unversity, Blacksburg, VA.

Atwood, C.J., T.R. Fox, and D.L. Loftis. 2008. Stump sprouting of oak species in three silvicultural treatments in the southern Appalachians In: Jacobs, D.F. and C.H. Michler (eds.) Proceedings, 16th Central Hardwood Forest Conference: 2008 April 8-9, West Lafayette, IN. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-24. Newtown Square, PA: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station.

Boyden, S.D. Binkley and J.L. Stape. 2008. Competition among Eucalyptus trees depends on genetic variation and resource supply. Ecology 89: 2850-2859.

Carlson, C.A., H.E. Burkhart, H.L. Allen and T.R. Fox. 2008. Absolute and relative changes in tree growth rates and changes to the stand diameter distribution of Pinus taeda as a result of midrotation fertilizer applications. Can. J. For. Res. 38:2063-2071.

Carlson, C.A., T.R. Fox, H.L. Allen, and T.J. Albaugh. 2008. Modeling mid-rotation fertilizer responses using the age-shift approach. For Ecol. Manage. 256:256-262.

Cotton, C.A., S. Prisley, and T.R. Fox. 2008. Mapping upland hardwood site quality and productivity with GIS and FIA in the Blue Ridge of North Carolina. In McWilliams W., G. Molsen, and R. Czaplewski (eds). Proceedings Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Symposium 2008. Oct. 21-23, Park City, UT. RMRS-P-56CD. Fort Collins, CO. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 1 CD.

Fields-Johnson, C., T.R. Fox, J.A. Burger, and C.A. Zipper. Fourth-year tree response to three levels of silvicultural input on mined land. 2008 National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Richmond, VA, June 14-19, 2008. Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502.

Gonçalves, J.L.M., J.L. Stape, J.P. Laclau, J.P. Bouillet, and J. Ranger. 2008. Assessing the effects of early silvicultural management on long-term site productivity in fast-growing eucalypt plantations: the Brazilian experience. Southern Forests 70(2):105-118.

King, N.T., J.R. Seiler, T.R. Fox, and K.H. Johnsen. 2008. Post-fertilization physiology and growth performance loblolly pine clones. Tree Phys. 28: 703-711.

McTague, J.P. 2008. Modelling the response of loblolly pine to juvenile fertilization. The Open Forest Science Journal 1:80-88.

Muñoz, F., M.l. Espinosa, J. Cancino, R. Rubilar, and M.l. Herrera. 2008. Efecto de la poda y el raleo en el área foliar de Eucalyptus nitens. Bosque 29(1):44-51.

Muñoz, F., R. Rubilar, M. Espinosa, J. Cancino, J. Toro, and M. Herrera. 2008. The effect of pruning and thinning on above ground aerial biomass of Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden. For. Ecol. Manage. 255:365-373.

Phelan, J. and H.L. Allen. 2008. Have repeated applications of nitrogen and phosphorus to a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation changed stand productivity and soil nutrient supply? Can. J. For. Res. 38:637-644.

Pratt, A.P. 2008. Streamside Management Zone Effectiveness for Protecting Water Quality Following Forestland Application of Biosolids. M.S. Thesis. Department of Forestry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.

Rubilar, R., L. Blevins, J. Toro, A. Vita, and F. Muñoz. 2008. Early response of Pinus radiata plantations to weed control and fertilization on metamorphic soils of the coastal range, Maule Region, Chile. Bosque 29(1):74-84.

Rubilar, R., T. Fox, L. Allen, T. Albaugh y C. Carlson. 2008. Manejo intensivo al establecimiento de plantaciones forestales de Pinus sp. y Eucalyptus sp. en Chile y Argentina. Informaciones Agronomicas.

da Silva, P.H.M., F. Poggiani, J.L.M. Gonçalves, J.L. Stape, y R.M. Moreira. 2008. Crescimento de Eucalyptus grandis tratado com diferentes doses de lodos de esgoto úmido e seco, condicionados com polímeros (Growth of Eucalyptus grandis treated with different doses of wet and dry sewage sludge, conditioned with polymers). Sci. For., Piracicaba 36(77):79-88.

Stape, J.L., D. Binkley, and M.G. Ryan. 2008. Production and carbon allocation in a clonal Eucalyptus plantation with water and nutrient manipulations. For. Ecol. Manage. 255:920-930.

Sucre, E.B. and T.R. Fox. 2008. Contribution of stumps to carbon and nitrogen pools in southern Appalachian hardwood forests. pp. 233-239. In Jacobs, D.F. and C.H. Michler (eds). Proceedings, 16th Central Hardwood Forest Conference: 2008 April 8-9, West Lafayette, IN. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-24. Newtown Square, PA: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station.

Tisdale, J.L. Quantifying the effects of organic residues on soil nitrogen and phosphorus availability. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 73 pp.

Tyree, M.C., J.R. Seiler, T.R. Fox. 2008. The effects of fertilization on soil respiration in two-year-old Pinus taeda L. Clones. For. Sci. 54(1):21-30.


Albaugh, T.J., H.L. Allen, and T.R. Fox. 2007. Historical Patterns of Forest Fertilization in the Southeast United States From 1969 to 2004. South. J. Appl. For. 31(3):129-137.

Allen, M.B. 2007. Effects of Poultry Litter Addition to a 31 Year Old Longleaf Pine Stand. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC., 47 pp.

Cubbage F., P.M. Donagh, J. Sawinski, R. Rubilar, P. Donoso, A. Ferreira, V. Hoeflich, V.M. Olmos, G. Ferreira, G. Balmelli, J. Siry, M.N. Báez, and J. Alvarez. 2006. Comparative Timber Investment Returns for Selected Plantations and Native Forests in South America and the Southern United States. New Forests (2007) 33:237-255.

Fox, T.R., H.L. Allen, T.J. Albaugh, R. Rubilar, and C.A. Carlson. 2007. Tree nutrition and forest fertilization of pine plantations in the southern United States. South. J. Appl. For. 31(1):5-11.

Fox, T.R., H.L. Allen, D.J. Binkley, T.J. Albaugh, R. Rubilar, and C.A. Carlson. 2007. Forest Fertilization and Water Quality in the United States. Better Crops 91(1):7-9.

Fox, T.R., E.J. Jokela, and H.L. Allen. 2007. The development of pine plantation silviculture in the southern United States. J. For. 105(5): 337-347.

Johansson, K, H.L Allen, and U. Nilsson. 2007. Interactions between soil scarification treatments and seedling types of Norway spruce. New Forests. 33(1):13-27.

Jones, P.D. and T.R. Fox. 2007. Wood density in Pinus taeda x Pinus rigida and response 10 years after thinning in Virginia. Forest Prod. J. 57(12):70-73.

Mora, C., H.L. Allen, R.F. Daniels, and A. Clark. 2007. Modeling corewood-outerwood transition in loblolly pine using wood specific gravity. Can. J. For. Res. 37(6):999-1011.

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Albaugh, T.J, H.L. Allen, and T.R. Fox. 2006. Individual tree crown and stand development in Pinus taeda under different fertilization and irrigation regimes. For. Ecol. Manage. 234(1-3):10-23.

Albaugh, T.J., H.L. Allen, T.R. Fox, and H.E. Quicke. 2006. Midrotation Treatments in Loblolly Pine Stands Boost Pine Growth. Timberlines, Winter 2006.

Albaugh, T.J., H.L. Allen, and L.W. Kress. 2006. Root and stem partitioning of Pinus taeda. Trees: Structure and Function. Trees. 20:176-185

Amishev, D.Y. and T.R. Fox. 2006. The effects of weed control and fertilization on survival and growth of four pine species in the Virginia Piedmont. For. Ecol. Manage. 236(1):93-101.

Binkley, D., J.L. Stape, E.N. Takahashi, and M.G. Ryan. 2006. Tree-girdling to seperate root and heterotrophic respiration in two Eucalyptus stands in Brazil. Oecologia 148:447-454.

Blevins, L.L., C.E. Prescott, and A. Van Niejenhuis. 2006. The roles of nitrogen and phosphorus in increasing productivity of western hemlock and western redcedar plantations on northern Vancouver Island. For. Ecol. Manage. 234:116-122.

Carlson, C.A., T.R. Fox, S.R. Colbert, D.L. Kelting, H.L. Allen, and T.J. Albaugh. 2006. Growth and survival of Pinus taeda in response to surface and subsurface tillage in the southeastern United States. For. Ecol. Manage. 234(1-3):209-217.

Casselman, C.N., T.R. Fox, and J.A. Burger. 2006. Thinning response of a white pine stand on a reclaimed surface mine in southwestern Virginia. North. J. Appl. For. 24(1):9-14.

Casselman, C.N., T.R. Fox, J.A. Burger, A.T. Jones, and J.M. Galbraith. 2006. Effects of silvicultural treatments on survival and growth of trees planted on reclaimed mine lands in the Appalachians. For. Ecol. Manage. 223(1-3):403-414.

Eisenbies, M.H., J.A. Burger, W.M. Aust, S.C. Patterson, and T.R. Fox. 2006. Assessing Change in Soil-Site Productivity of Intensively Managed Loblolly Pine Plantations. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:130–140.

Elliot, J.R. 2006. Effects of Control Release Nitrogen Fertilizer and Thinning on the Nitrogen Dynamics of a Mid-Rotation Loblolly Pine Stand in the Piedmont of Virginia. M.S. Thesis. Department of Forestry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Unversity, Blacksburg, VA.

Flores, F.J., H.L. Allen, H. Cheshire, J.M. Davis, M. Fuentes, and D.L. Kelting. 2006. Using multispectral satellite imagery to estimate leaf area and response to silvicultural treatments in loblolly pine stands. Can. J. For. Res. 37(6):1587-1596.

Fox, T.R. 2006. Land Application of Biosolids to Forests in Virginia. Virginia Forests 62(3):12-14.

Fox, T.R., W.M. Aust, J.A. Burger, G.H. Hansen, K.H. Kyle, and L.J. Andrews. 2006. Effects of drainage and bedding on near surface hydrology and growth of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) in the Coastal Plain of Virginia. pp. 358-364 IN Hydrology and Management of Forested Wetlands. American Society of Agriculture and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Fox, T.R., H.L. Allen, T.J. Albaugh, R. Rubilar, and C.A. Carlson. 2006. Forest fertilization in southern pine plantations. Better Crops 90(3):12-15.

Fox, T.R., C.A. Haas, R.H. Jones. D.W. Smith, D.L. Loftis, S.M. Zedaker, and A.L. Hammett. 2006. Alternative silvicultural practices in Appalachian Forest Ecosystems: Implications for Species Diversity, Ecosystem Resilience, and Commercial Timber Productions. In Proceedings of the 15th Central Hardwood Forest Conference. USDA Forest Services. Gen. Tech. Rep.

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Leggett, Z.H. and D.L. Kelting. 2006. Fertilization effects on carbon pools in loblolly pine plantations on two upland sites. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:279-286.

McKeand, S.E., R.C. Abt, H.L. Allen, B. Li, and G.P. Catts. 2006. What are the best loblolly pine genotypes worth to landowners? J. For. 104(7):352-358.

McKeand, S.E., E.J. Jokela, D.A. Huber, T.D. Byram, H. L. Allen, B. Li, T.J. Mullin. 2006. Performance of improved genotypes of loblolly pine across different soils, climates, and silvicultural inputs. For. Ecol. Manage. 227:178-184.

Miller, A.T., H.L. Allen, and C.A. Maier. 2006. Quantifying the coarse root biomass of intensively managed loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations. Can. J. For. Res. 37:12-22.

Miller, J.H., H.L. Allen, B.R. Zutter, S.M. Zedaker, and R. A. Newbold. 2006. Soil and pine foliage nutrient response to 15 years after competing vegetation control and their correlation to growth for 13 loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern U.S. Can. J. For. Res. 36:2412-2425.

Richter, D.B., H.L. Allen, J. Li, D. Markewitz, and J. Raikes. 2006. Bioavailability of slowly cycling soil phosphorus: major restructuring of soil P-fractions over four decades in an aggrading forest. Oecologia (in press).

Stape, J.L., D. Binkley, W.S. Jacob, and E.N. Takahashi. 2006. A twin-plot approach to determine nutrient limitation and potential productivity in Eucalyptus plantations at landscape scales in Brazil. For. Ecol. Manage. 223:358-362.

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Tyree, M.C., J.R. Seiler, W.M. Aust, D.A. Sampson, and T.R. Fox. 2006. Long-term effects of site preparation and fertilization on total soil CO2 efflux and heterotrophic respiration in a 33-year-old Pinus taeda L. plantation on the wet flats of the Virginia Lower Coastal Plain. For. Ecol. Manage. 234(1-3):363-369.


Allen, H.L., T.R. Fox, and R.G. Campbell. 2005. What is ahead for intensive pine plantation silviculture in the South? South. J. Appl. For. 29:62-69.

Amishev, D. 2005. Impact of Weed Control and Fertilization on Growth of Eastern White, Loblolly, Shortleaf, and Virginia Pine Plantations in the Virginia Piedmont. M.S. Thesis. Department of Forestry, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. 115 pp.

Blevins, D.P., C.E. Prescott, H.L. Allen, and T.A. Newsome. 2005. The effects of nutrition and density on growth, foliage biomass, and growth efficiency of high-density, fire-origin lodgepole pine in central British Columbia. Can J. For. Res. 35:2851-2859.

Burger, J.C. 2005. Long-term Impacts of Silvicultural Treatment on Soil Microbial Biomass, Community Composition, and N Mineralization. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 47 pp.

Casselman, C.N. 2005. Effects of Silvicultural Treatments and Soil Properties on the Establishment and Productivity of Trees Growing on Mine Soils in the Appalachian Coalfields. M.S. Thesis. Department of Forestry. Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, VA. 132 pp.

Choi, W.J., S.X. Chang, H.L. Allen, D.L. Kelting, and H.M. Roe. 2005. Irrigation and fertilization effects on foliar and soil carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in a loblolly pine stand. For Ecol. Manage: 213(3):90-101.

Fisher, R.F., T.R. Fox, T. Terry, and R. Harrison. 2005. Forest soils education and research: trends, needs and wild ideas. For. Ecol. Manage. 220(1-3):1-16.

Johansson, K., I. Söderbergh, U. Nilsson, and H.L. Allen. 2005. Effects of scarification and mulch on establishment and growth of six different clones of Picea abies. Scan. J. For. Res. 20:421-430.

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Kyle, K.H., L.J. Andrews, T.R. Fox, W.M. Aust, J.A. Burger, and G.H. Hansen. 2005. Long-term effects of drainage, bedding, and fertilization on growth of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) in the coastal plain of Virginia. South. J. Appl. For. 29(4)205-214.

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Albaugh, T.J., R. Rubilar, J. Alvarez, and H.L. Allen. 2004. Radiata pine response to tillage fertilization and weed control in Chile. Bosque Revista 25:5-15.

Albaugh, T.J., H. L. Allen, P.M. Dougherty, and K.H. Johnsen. 2004. Long term growth responses of loblolly pine to optimal nutrient and water resource availability. For. Ecol. Manage 192:3-19.

Barrett, T.B. 2004. Soil Boron in Loblolly Pine Plantations of the Southeastern United States. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 46 pp.

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Bennett, J.N., B. Lapthorne, L.L. Blevins and C.E. Prescott. 2004. Response of Gaultheria shallon and Epilobium angustifolium to large additions of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer Can. J. For. Res. 34:502-506.

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Blevins, D.P. 2004. The Influence of Nutrition and Density on Repressed Lodgepole Pine. Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forest Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 68 pp.

Flores, F.J. and H.L. Allen. 2004. Efectos del Clima y Capacidad de Almacenamiento de Agua del Suelo en la Productividad de Rodales de Pino Radiata en Chile: Un Analisis Utilizando el Modelo 3-PG. Bosque Revista, 25(3):11-24.

Fox, T.R. 2004. Species deployment strategies for the southern pines: Site specific management practices for the Flatwoods of Georgia and Florida. pp. 50-55. In E.D. Dickens, J.P. Barnett, W.G. Hubbard, and E.J. Jokela (eds.) 2002 Slash Pine Symposium. General Technical Report 2003. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-P-000. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station.

Fox, T.R. 2004. Nitrogen mineralization following fertilization of Douglas-fir forests with urea in western Washington. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:1720-1728.

Fox, T.R., E.J. Jokela, and H.L. Allen 2004. The Evolution of Pine Plantation Silviculture in the Southern United States. Chapter 8, in H.M. Rauscher and K. Johnsen (eds). Southern Forest Science: Past, Present, Future. USDA For. Ser. South. Res. Sta., Gen. Tech Rep. SRS-75. 394 pp.

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Maier, C.A., T.J. Albaugh, H. L. Allen, and P.M Dougherty. 2004. Respiratory carbon use and carbon storage in mid-rotation loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations: The effect of site resources on the stand carbon balance. Global Change Biology 10:1-16.

McKeand, S.E. and H.L. Allen. 2004. Silviculture and genetic impacts on productivity of loblolly pine in the southern United States. pp. 373-374. In: Li, B. and S. McKeand, eds. Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding in the Age of Genomics: Progress and Future, IUFRO Joint Conference of Division 2, Conference Proceedings.

McKeand, S.E., J.E. Grissom, H.L. Allen, and B.P. Bullock. 2004. Ten-year response of diverse families of loblolly pine to fertilization. pp. 453-455. In: Li, B. and S. McKeand, eds. Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding in the Age of Genomics: Progress and Future, IUFRO Joint Conference of Division 2, Conference Proceedings.

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Schmidtling, R.C., T.L. Robison, S.E. McKeand, R.J. Rousseau, H.L. Allen, and B. Goldfarb. 2004. The role of genetics and tree improvement in southern forest productivity. Chapter 10, in H.M. Rauscher and K. Johnsen (eds). Southern Forest Science: Past, Present, Future. USDA For. Ser. South. Res. Sta., Gen. Tech Rep. SRS-75. 408 pp.

Simard, S.W., D. Sachs, A. Vyse and L.L. Blevins. 2004. Paper birch competitive effects vary with conifer tree species and stand age in interior British Columbia forests: implications for reforestation policy and practice. For. Ecol. Manage.198:55-74.

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Albaugh, T.J., H.L. Allen, B.R. Zutter, and H.E. Quicke. 2003. Vegetation control and fertilization in midrotation Pinus taeda stands in the southeastern United States. Ann. For. Sci. 60 (2003) 619-624.

Bennett, J.N., L.L. Blevins, J.E. Barker, D.P. Blevins and C.E. Prescott. 2003. Increases in tree growth and nutrient supply still apparent 10-13 years following fertilization and vegetation control of salal-dominated cedar-hemlock stands on Vancouver Island. Can. J. For. Res. 33: 1516-1524.

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Gurlevik N., D.L. Kelting, and H.L. Allen. 2003. The effects of vegetation control and fertilization on net nutrient release from decomposing loblolly pine needles. Can J. For. Res. 33:2491-2502.

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Li, Q., H.L. Allen, and C.A. Wilson. 2003. Nitrogen mineralization dynamics following the establishment of a loblolly pine plantation. Can J. For. Res. 33:364-374.

McKeand, S.E., J.G. Grissom, R. Rubilar, and H.L. Allen. 2003. Responsiveness of Diverse Families of Loblolly Pine to Fertilization: Eight-Year Results from SETRES-2. pp. 30-33 In 27th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conf., Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK. 222 pp.

Mora, C.R. 2003. Effects of early intensive silviculture on wood properties of loblolly pine M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 81 pp.

Nilsson, U. and H.L. Allen. 2003. Short and long-term effects of site preparation, fertilization and vegetation control on growth and stand development of planted loblolly pine. For Ecol. Manage. 175:367-377.

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Rubilar, R., S.E. McKeand, H.L. Allen. 2003. Dominance and Stand Structure Analyses of a GxE Interaction Trial. pp. 34-37. In 27th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conf., Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK. 222 pp.

Sampson, D.A., T.J. Albaugh, K.H. Johnsen, H.L. Allen, and S.J. Zarnoch. 2003. Monthly leaf area index estimates from point-in-time measurements and needle phenology for Pinus taeda. Can. J. For. Res. 33:2477-2490.

Schimleck, L.R., C. Mora, and R.F. Daniels. 2003. Estimation of the physical wood properties of green Pinus taeda radial samples by near infrared spectroscopy. Can. J. For. Res. 33:2297-2305.

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Allen, H.L., T.J. Albaugh, and K.H. Johnsen. 2002. Water and Nutrient Effects on Loblolly Pine Production and Stand Development on a Sandhills Site. pp. 594-595, In Outcalt, K.W. (ed.). Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-48. USDA, Forest Service Southern Research Station. Asheville, NC. 622 pp.

Bennett, J. N., Andrew, B. and C.E. Prescott. 2002. Vertical fine root distributions of western redcedar, western hemlock and salal in old-growth cedar-hemlock forests on northern Vancouver Island. Can. J. For. Res. 32:1208-1216.

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Gurlevik, N. 2002. Stand and Soil Responses of a Loblolly Pine Plantation to Midrotation Fertilization and Vegetation Control. Ph.D. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 111 pp.

Jeffries, S.B. 2002. Effects of Site Preparation and Vegetation Control on the Plant Communities, Successional Dynamics, and Stand Structure of a Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) Plantation. Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC.

King, J.S., T.J. Albaugh, H.L. Allen, M. Buford, B.R. Strain, and P. Dougherty. 2002. Below-ground carbon input to soil is controlled by nutrient availability and fine root dynamics in loblolly pine. New Phytologist 154:389-398.

Ludovici, K., H.L. Allen, T.J. Albaugh and P.M. Dougherty. 2002. The influence of nutrient and water availability on carbohydrate storage in loblolly pine. For. Ecol. Manage. 159:261-270.

Newton, L.P., D.J. Robison, G. Hansen, and H.L. Allen. 2002. Fertilization and Thinning in a 7 Year-Old Natural Hardwood Stand in Eastern North Carolina. pp. 193-195. In Outcalt, K.W. (ed.). Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-48. USDA, Forest Service Southern Research Station. Asheville, NC. 622 pp.

Nilsson, U., T.J. Albaugh, and H.L. Allen.2002. Development of size hierarchies prior to the onset of density dependent mortality in fertilized and irrigated loblolly pine stands. Can J. For. Res. 32:989-996

Winborne, I. 2002. Seasonal Nutrient Dynamics and Vertical Nutrient Distribution in Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda). M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 75 pp.


Allen, H.L. 2001. Silvicultural Treatments to Enhance Productivity. Chap. 6, In J. Evans (ed). The Forests Handbook. Volume II. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. 382 pp.

Allen, H.L., D.L. Kelting, and T.J. Albaugh. 2001. Nutrient Management Concepts and Practices in Southern Pine Plantations. pp. 27-31, In: C. Bamsey (ed.), Enhanced Forest Management: Fertilization and Economics. Clear Lake Ltd. Edmonton, Canada. 169 pp.

Amateis R.L., Burkhart, H.E., Allen, H.L., and Montes, C.R. 2001. FASTLOB: Fertilized and Selectively Thinned Loblolly Pine Plantations (A Stand-Level Growth and Yield Model for Fertilized and Thinned Loblolly Pine Plantations). Loblolly Pine Growth and Yield Cooperative. VPI&SU. Blacksburg, VA. 32 pp.

Colbert, S.R. 2001. Tillage effects on soil physical properties of a Typic Kanhapludult and growth and development of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 105 pp.

Ducey, M.J. and H.L. Allen. 2001. Nutrient supply and fertilization efficiency in midrotation loblolly pine plantations: a modeling analysis. For. Sci. 47:96-102. 

Handest, J.A. 2001. Effects of Nutrient Amendments and Genotype on Stand Productivity and Crown Characteristics of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.). M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 43 pp.

Johnsen, K.H., D. Wear, R. Oren, R.O. Teskey, F. Sanchez, R. Will, J. Butnor, D. Markewitz, D. Richter, T. Rials, H. L. Allen, J. Seiler, D. Ellsworth, C. Maier, G. Katul, and P.M. Dougherty. 2001. Meeting global policy commitments: carbon sequestration and southern pine forests. J. For. 99(4):14-21.

Johnsen, K.L. Samuelson, R. Teskey, S. McNulty, and T.R. Fox. 2001. Process models as tools in forestry research and management. Forest Science. 47:2-8.

Landsberg, J.J., K.H. Johnsen, T.J. Albaugh, H.L. Allen, and S.E. McKeand. 2001. Applying 3-PG, a simple process-based model designed to produce practical results, to data from loblolly pine experiments. For. Sci: 47:43-51.

McKeand, S.E., H.L. Allen, and B. Goldfarb. 2001. Tree improvement and intensive silviculture – productivity increases from modern plantation methods. pp. 99-112. In: Proc. 14th CAETS Convocation. World Forests and Technology. June 11-15, 2001. Espoo, Finland.

Montes, C.R. 2001. A Silvicultural Decision Support System for Loblolly Pine Plantations. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 45 pp.

Piatek, K.B. and H.L. Allen. 2001. Are forest floors in mid-rotation stands of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) a sink for nitrogen and phosphorus? Can J. For. Res. 31:1164-1174.

Sampson, D.A., K. Johnsen, K.H. Ludovici, T.J. Albaugh, and C.A. Maier. 2001. Stand-scale correspondence in empirical and simulated labile carbohydrates in loblolly pine. For. Sci. 47:60-68.


Allen, H.L. and T.J. Albaugh. 2000. Understanding the Interactions between Vegetation Control and Fertilization in Young Plantations: Southern Pine Plantations in the Southeast USA. In Proceedings Seminário sobre Manejo de Plantas Infestantes em Áreas Florestais, Oct 18-19, 2000, Departamento de Ciências Florestais da ESALQ / USP, Brazil.

Amateis, R.L., J. Liu, M.J. Ducey, and H.L. Allen. 2000. Modeling response to midrotation nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization in loblolly pine plantations. South. J. Appl. For. 24:207-212.

Bostic, W.B. 2000. Intensive Culture Affects Height and Diameter Distributions of Loblolly Pine. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 57 pp.

Flores, F.J., H.L. Allen, H.M. Cheshire, and S.G. McNulty. 2000. Spectral Reflectance Response of a Five Year-Old Loblolly Pine Plantation with Contrasting LAI. pp. 634-641 in Proceedings of the Second International Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry Conference, Vol. I, Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Jan. 10-12, 2000.

Fox, T.R. 2000. Sustained productivity of intensively managed forest plantations. Forest Ecology and Management. 138(1-3):187-202.

Gough, C.M. 2000. Environmental Influences on Gas Exchange in Fertilized and Non-fertilized Stands of Loblolly Pine. M.S. Thesis. Department of Forestry. Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, VA. 108 pp.

Handest, J.A., H.L. Allen, and S.E. McKeand. 2000. Genotype and Nutrition Effects on Stand-level Leaf Area in Loblolly Pine. pp. 70-72. In 25th Biennial Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference Proceedings. Publication No. 47 of the Southern Forest Tree Improvement Committee. NTIS. Springfield, VA. 263 pp.

Kelting, D.L., J.A. Burger, and S.C. Patterson. 2000. Early loblolly pine growth response to changes in the soil environment. N. Z. J. For. Sci. 30:206-224.

Li, Q. 2000. The Effects of Silvicultural Treatments on Soil Microbial Biomass, Functional Diversity, and Nitrogen Availability. Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 124 pp.

Maier, C.A. 2000. Respiratory Carbon Use In Loblolly Pine Plantations: Effect Of Climate And Site Resource Availability On The Stand Carbon Balance. Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 102 pp.

Maier, C.A. and L.W. Kress. 2000. Soil CO2 evolution and root respiration in 11 year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations as affected by moisture and nutrient availability. Can. J. For. Res. 30:347-359.

McKeand, S.E., J.E. Grissom, J.A. Handest, D.M. O’Malley, and H.L. Allen. 2000. Responsiveness of diverse provenances of loblolly pine to fertilization – age 4 results. J. Sust. For. 10:87-94.

Moore, S.E. and H.L. Allen. 2000. Vegetative Composition and Height Growth of a 4-Year Old Atlantic White-Cedar (Chamaecyparis Thyoides) Stand Under Varying Combinations Of Above- And Below-Ground Competition. In: R.K. Rose (ed.) The Natural History of the Great Dismal Swamp (Chap 11). Omni Press, Madison WI. 300 pp.

Piatek, K.B. and H.L. Allen. 2000. Site preparation effects on foliar N and P use, retranslocation, and transfer to litter in 15-year old Pinus taeda. For. Ecol. Manage. 129:143-152.

Price, J.W. 2000. Monthly Dynamics of Nutrient Concentration in Foliage, Branches, Stem and roots of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 40 pp.

Rojas, J.C. 2000. Genotype and Environment Effects on Growth and Foliar Nutrients For The Urograndis Hybrid of Eucalyptus Planted In Western Venezuela. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 72 pp.

Rojas, J.C., J.A. Wright, and H.L. Allen. 2000. Genotype X Environment Interaction of the Urograndis Hybrid of Eucalypts in Western Venezuela. pp. 145-151. In 25th Biennial Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference Proceedings. Publication No. 47 of the Southern Forest Tree Improvement Committee. NTIS. Springfield, VA. 263 pp.


Allen, H.L. and T.J. Albaugh. 1999. Ecophysiological basis for plantation production: a loblolly pine case study. Bosque 20:3-8.

Binkley, D., H. Burnham, and H.L. Allen. 1999. Water quality impacts of forest fertilization with nitrogen and phosphorus. For. Ecol. Manage. 121:191-213.

Burger, J.A. and D.L. Kelting. 1999. Using soil quality indicators for assessing sustainable forest management. For. Ecol. Manage. 122:155-166.

Ducey, M.J. and H.L. Allen. 1999. Modeling stand nutrient use in intensively managed plantations. pp. 327-338 in A. Amaro and M. Tomé, eds. Empirical and Process-Based Models for Forest Tree and Stand Growth Simulation. Proceedings of an IUFRO Conference, Oeiras, Portugal. Sept. 21-27, 1997. Lisbon: Ediçóes Salamandra. 591 pp.

Edwards, P.J., J.D. Gregory, and H.L. Allen. 1999.Seasonal sulfate deposition and export patterns for a small Appalachian Watershed. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 110:137-155.

Ewers, B.E., R. Oren, T.J. Albaugh, and P.M. Dougherty. 1999. Carry-over effects of water and nutrient supply on water use of Pinus taeda. Ecological Applications 9:513-525.

Kelting, D.L., J.A. Burger, S.C. Patterson, W.M. Aust, M. Miwa, and S.C. Trettin. 1999. Soil quality assessment in domesticated forests - a southern pine example For. Ecol. Manage. 122:167-185.

King, J.S., T.J. Albaugh, H.L. Allen, and L.W. Kress. 1999. Stand –level allometry in Pinus taeda as affected by irrigation and fertilization. Tree Phys. 19:769-778.

Moore, S.E. and H.L. Allen. 1999. Plantation Forestry, In M.L.Hunter, Jr. (ed.) Maintaining Biodiversity in Forested Ecosystems (Chap 12). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 698 pp.

Binkley, D. 1999. Water Quality Effects of Forest Fertilization. Technical Bulletin No. 782 National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement. Research Triangle Park. NC. 53 pp.

Piatek, K.B. and H.L. Allen. 1999. Nitrogen mineralization in a pine plantation fifteen years after harvesting and site preparation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63:990-998.

Sampson, D.A. and H.L. Allen. 1999. Regional influences of soil available water holding capacity and climate, and leaf area index on simulated loblolly pine productivity. For. Ecol. Manage. 124:1-12.

Svensson, J., S.E. McKeand, H.L. Allen and R.G. Campbell, 1999. Genetic variation in height and volume of loblolly pine open-pollinated families during canopy closure. Silvae Genetica 48:204-208.

Warren, J.M., H.L. Allen, and F.L. Booker. 1999. Mineral nutrition, resin flow and phloem phytochemistry in loblolly pine. Tree Phys. 19:655-663.

Zutter, B.R., J.H. Miller, H.L. Allen, S.M. Zedaker, M.B. Edwards, and R.A. Newbold. 1999. Fascicle nutrient and biomass responses of young loblolly pine to control of woody and herbaceous competitors. Can. J. For. Res. 29:917-925.


Albaugh, T.J., H.L. Allen, P.M. Dougherty, L.W. Kress, and J.S. King. 1998. Leaf-area and above and below ground growth responses of loblolly pine to nutrient and water additions. For. Sci. 44:317-328.

Allen, H.L, R.J. Weir, and B. Goldfarb. 1998. Investing in wood production in southern pine plantations. Paper Age (April): 20-21.

Allen, H.L. and S. Lein. 1998. Effects of site preparation, early fertilization, and weed control on 14-year old loblolly pine. Proc. South. Weed. Sci. Soc. 51:104-110.

Blevins, D.P., H.L. Allen, S.R. Colbert, and W. Gardner. 1998. Nutrition Management for Longleaf Pinestraw. Woodland Owner Notes No. 30. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC.

Dougherty, P.M., H.L. Allen, L.W. Kress, R. Murthy, C. Maier. T.J. Albaugh, and D.A. Sampson. 1998. An investigation of the impacts of elevated CO2, irrigation, and fertilization on the physiology and growth of lobolly pine. pp. 149-168. In R.A. Mickler and S.Fox (eds.) The Productivity and Sustainability of Southern Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment. Ecological Studies 128. Springer-Verlag, New York.

Hynynen, J., H.E. Burkhart, and H.L. Allen. 1998. Modeling tree growth in fertilized midrotation loblolly pine plantations.For. Ecol. Manage. 107:213-229.

Maier, C.A., S.J. Zarnoch, and P.M. Dougherty. 1998. Effects of temperature and tissue nitrogen on dormant season stem and branch maintenance respiration in a young loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation. Tree Phys. 18:11-20.

Markewitz, D., D.D. Richter, H.L. Allen, and J.B. Urrego. 1998. Three decades of observed soil acidification in the Calhoun Experimental Forest: Has acid rain made a difference? Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62:1428-1439.

Mewborn, B.M. 1998. Productivity, Leaf Area, and Nutritional Relationships in Midrotation Sweetgum and Sycamore Plantations. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 77 pp.

Sampson, D.A. and H.L. Allen. 1998. Light attenuation in a 14-year-old loblolly pine stand as influenced by fertilization and irrigation. Trees:13:80-87.

Sampson, D.A., H.L. Allen and P.M. Dougherty. 1998. An index for assessing climate change and elevated carbon dioxide effects on loblolly pine productivity. pp. 367-389 In R.A. Mickler and S. Fox (eds.) The Productivity and Sustainability of Southern Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment. Ecological Studies 128. Springer-Verlag, New York.

Sampson, D.A., J.M. Vose, and H.L. Allen. 1998. A conceptual approach to stand management using leaf area index as the integral of site structure, physiological function, and resource supply. pp. 447-451. In: Proc. Ninth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conf. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Sta. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-20.


King, J.S., H.L. Allen, P. Dougherty, and B.R. Strain. 1997. Decomposition of roots in loblolly pine: Effects of nutrient and water availability and root class on mass loss and nutrient dynamics. Plant and Soil 195:171-184.

Laviner, M.A. 1997. Water Relations and Net Photosynthesis of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) in Response to Fertilization and Irrigation. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 31 pp.

McKeand, S.E., R. Crook, and H.L. Allen. 1997. Genotypic Stability Effects on Predicted Family Responses to Silvicultural Treatments in Loblolly Pine South. J. Appl. For. 21(2):84-89.

McKeand, S.E., J.E. Grissom, D.M. O’Malley, and H.L. Allen. 1997. Early Growth Response of Diverse Families of Loblolly Pine to Nutrient Amendments on a Poor Site. pp. 267-274. In Proceeding 24th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference. Orlando, FL.

Murthy, R. and P.M. Dougherty. 1997. Estimating foliage area of loblolly pine shoots. For. Sci. 43:299-303.

Murthy, R. and P.M. Dougherty. 1997. Effect of carbon dioxide, fertilization and irrigation on loblolly pine branch morphology trees. 11:485 493.

Murthy, R., S.J. Zarnoch, and P.M. Dougherty. 1997. Seasonal trends in light-saturated photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of loblolly pine trees grown in contrasting environments of nutrition, water and carbon dioxide. Plant, Cell and Environment 20:558-568.

Piatek, K.B. 1997. Nitrogen Supply and Utilization in Managed Forests. Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forestry. North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 87 pp.

Porter, K.A. 1997. Productivity and Leaf Area Relationships in Southeastern Hardwood Plantations. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry. North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 37 pp.

Rakonczay, Z., J.R. Seiler, and D.L. Kelting. 1997. Carbon efflux rates of fine roots of three tree species decline shortly after excision. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 38:243-249.

Zhang, S., H.L. Allen, and P.M. Dougherty. 1997. Shoot and foliage growth phenology of loblolly pine trees as affected by nitrogen fertilization. Can. J. For. Res. 27:1420-1426.


Allen, H.L., T.J. Albaugh, and P.M. Dougherty. 1996. The Influence of Nutrient and Water Availability on Leaf Area and Productivity: A Case Study with Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) in the Southeast U.S. pp. 597-605. In O Solos nos Grandes Dominios Morfoclimaticos do Brasil e o Desenvolvimento Sustentado (Proceedings of the 25th Meeting of the Brazilian Soil Science Society. Federal University of Vicosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Baker, T.R. 1996. Ozone Impacts on Foliar Nutrients and Carbohydrates in Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.).Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 78 pp.

Baker, T.R. and H.L. Allen. 1996. Ozone effects on nutrient resorption in loblolly pine. Can. J. For. Res. 26:1634-1642.

Colbert, S.R. and H.L. Allen. 1996. Factors contributing to variability in loblolly pine foliar nutrient concentrations. South. J. Appl. For. 20(1):45-52.

Colbert, S.R. and H.L. Allen. 1996. Effects of Combination Plowing on Diameter and Height Growth of Young Loblolly Pine. Department of Forestry. North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC.

Murthy, R. 1996. Effects of CO2, Water, and Nutrients on the Physiology of Loblolly Pine Trees. Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 78 pp.

Murthy, R., P.M. Dougherty, S.J. Zarnoch, and H.L. Allen. 1996. Effects of carbon dioxide, fertilization, and irrigation on photosynthetic capacity of loblolly pine trees. Tree Physiology 16:537-546.

Sampson, D.A., E.J. Cooter, P.M. Dougherty, and H.L. Allen. 1996. Comparison of the UKMO and GFDL GCM climate projections in NPP simulations for southern loblolly pine stands. Climate Research 7:55-69.

Svensson, J. 1996. Genetic Differences in Carbon Dioxide Assimilation, Nutrition, and Biomass Production in a 10-year-old Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) Plantation. Ph.D. Dissertation.Dept. of Forestry. North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 123 pp.

Warren, J.W. 1996. The Effect of Mineral Nutrition on the Resin Flow and Phloem Non-structural Carbohydrate and Phenolic Compounds in a Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) Stand. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry. North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 62 pp.

Zhang, S. and H.L. Allen. 1996. Foliar nutrient dynamics of 11-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) following fertilization. Can. J. For. Res. 26:1426-1439.


Binkley, D., R. Carter, and H.L. Allen. 1995. Nitrogen fertilization practices in forestry. Chap. 11 In: P. Bacon (ed.). Nitrogen Fertilization in the Environment. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. 608 pp.

Crook, R.P. 1995. The Effects of Water and Nutrient Availability on Seasonal Trends in Fine Root Nutrient Concentration and Content of a Nine-Year-Old Loblolly Pine Stand. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 52 pp.

Fox, T.R. 1995. Low molecular weight organic acids in forest soils: Influence on metal solubility and nutrient availability. pp. 43-62 In Carbon Forms and Functions in Forest Soils. SSSA. Madison, WI.

Lan, M., N.B. Comerford, and T.R. Fox. 1995. Organic Anions' Effect on Phosphorus Release from Spodic Horizons. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 59:1745-1749.

Kelting, D.L., J.A. Burger, G.S. Edwards. 1995. The effects of ozone on the rot dyanmics of seedlings and mature red oak(Quercus rubr L.) Forest Ecology and Management 79:197-206.

Mellin, T.C. 1995. The Effects of Intensive Forest Management Practices on the Natural Vegetative Communities of Loblolly Pine Plantations in North Carolina. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 62 pp.

Mignano, J.R. 1995. Effects of Water and Nutrient Availability on Root Biomass, Necromass and Production in a Nine-Year-Old Loblolly Pine Plantation. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 40 pp.

Richter, D.D., D. Markewitz, C.G. Wells, H.L. Allen, J. Dunscomb, K. Harrison, P.R. Heine, A. Stuanes, B. Urrego, and G. Bonani. 1995. Carbon Cycling in a Loblolly Pine Forest: Implications for the Missing Carbon Sink and for the Concept of Soil. Chap. 11 In J.M. Kelly and W. McFee (eds.), Carbon Forms and Functions in Forest Soils. Soil Science Society of America. Madison, WI. 594 pp.

Sampson, D.A. and H.L. Allen. 1995. Direct and indirect estimates of leaf area index (LAI) for lodgepole and loblolly pine stands. Trees 9:119-122.

South, D.B., J.B. Zwolinski, and H.L. Allen. 1995. Economic returns from enhancing loblolly pine establishment on two upland sites: Effects of seedling diameter, fertilization, hexazinone, and intensive soil cultivation. New Forests 10:239-256.

Stape, J.L. 1995. Utilização de delineamento sistemático tipo “leque” no estudo de espaçamentos florestais. Master of Agronomy Thesis. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.

Stewart, C.C. 1995. Harvesting and Site Preparation Effects on Soil Physical Properties 12 Years after Establishment of a Loblolly Pine Plantation. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 41 pp.


Allen, H.L. 1994. Enhancing southern pine productivity with fertilization. The Consultant (Summer):12-17.

Althoff, P. 1994. Genetic Variation in Light Interception and its Relationship to Productivity of Twelve Open-Pollinated Loblolly Pine Families. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 83 pp.

Baker, T.R., H.L. Allen, M.M. Schoeneberger, and L.W. Kress. 1994. Nutritional response of loblolly pine exposed to ozone and simulated acid rain. Can. J. For. Res. 24:453-461.

Blevins, D.P. 1994. Pinestraw Raking and Fertilization Impacts on the Nutrition and Productivity of Longleaf Pine. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 63 pp.

Gillespie, A.R., H.L. Allen, and J.M. Vose. 1994. Amount and vertical distribution of foliage of young loblolly pine trees as affected by canopy position and silvicultural treatment. Can. J. For. Res. 24:1337-1344.

Richter, D.D., D. Markewitz, C.G. Wells, H.L. Allen, R. April, P.R. Heine, and B. Urrego. 1994. Soil chemical change during three decades in an old-field loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) ecosystem. Ecology 75:1463-1473.

Wilson, C. 1994. The Effects of Compaction and Organic Matter Removal on Nitrogen Mineralization in a Coastal Plain Soil of North Carolina. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 31 pp.


Allen, H.L. and T.R. Wentworth. 1993. Vegetation control and site preparation affect patterns of shoot elongation for three-year old loblolly pine. Can. J. For. Res. 23:2110-2115.

Spruill, S.E., D. Richter, M.L. Gumpertz, J.O. Rawlings, and H.L. Allen. 1993. Use of edaphic variables to control experimental error: A case study on blocking and use of covariance. Soil Sci. 156:156-162.

Urrego, J.B.M. 1993. Nutrient Accumulation in Biomass and Forest Floor of a 34-Year-Old Loblolly.

Vasquez, J.A. 1993. Provenance and Family Variation of Foliar Nutrient Parameters in Loblolly Pine. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC 49 pp.

Zhang, S., 1993. The Effects of Nitrogen Availability on Leaf Area, Photosynthesis and Foliar Nutrient Status of Loblolly Pine. Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 120 pp.


Albaugh, T.J., F.L. Mowry and L.W. Kress. 1992. A field chamber for testing air pollution effects on mature trees. J. Environ. Qual. 21:476-485.

Allen, H.L., T.K. Stow, A.H. Chappelka, L.W. Kress, and R.O. Teskey. 1992. Ozone impacts on foliage dynamics of loblolly pine. pp 149-162 In: R. Flagler (ed.). The Response of Southern Commercial Forests to Air Pollution. Air and Waste Management Assoc. Pittsburgh, PA.

Arnold, R.J., J.B. Jett, and H.L. Allen. 1992. Identification of nutritional influences on cone production in Fraser Fir. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:586-591.

Chappelka, A.H., B.G. Lockaby, R.S. Meldahl, H.L. Allen, and L.W. Kress. 1992. Effects of ozone and acidic precipitation after three years on growth of loblolly pine saplings in the Piedmont of North Carolina and the coastal plain of Alabama. pp. 163-172 In: R. Flagler (ed.). The Response of Southern Commercial Forest to Air Pollution. Air and Waste Management Assoc. Pittsburgh, PA.

Colbert, S.R. and H.L Allen. 1992. Characterization of soil and foliar factors affecting growth response of midrotation loblolly pine to N and P fertilizer. pp. 69-80 In: J.A. Kelley and P.L. Tant (eds.), Soil Sci. Soc. of North Carolina. Vol. 35.

Fox, T.R. and N.B. Comerford. 1992. Rhizosphere phosphatase activity and phosphatase hydrolyzable organic phosphorus in two forested Spodosols. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 24:579-583.

Fox, T.R. and N.B. Comerford. 1992. Influence of oxalate loading on phosphorus and aluminum solubility in Spodosols. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 56:290-294.

Kress, L.W. and T.J. Albaugh. 1992. Effects of charcoal filtration and/or ozone enrichment on the concentration of CO2 and NOx in open-top chambers. In: The response of Southern commercial forests to air pollution. R.B. Flagler, ed. Air and Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA.

Kress, L.W., H.L. Allen, J.E. Mudano, and T.K. Stow. 1992. Impact of ozone on loblolly pine seedling foliage production and retention. Environ. Toxic. Chem. 11:1115-1128.

Mudano, J.E., H.L. Allen, and L.W. Kress. 1992. Stem and foliage elongation of young loblolly pine as affected by ozone. For. Sci. 38:324-335.

Stow, T.K., H.L. Allen, and L.W. Kress. 1992. Ozone impacts on seasonal foliage dynamics of young loblolly pine. For. Sci. 38:102-119.

Vitousek, P.M., S.W. Andariese, P.A. Matson, L.A. Morris, and R.L. Sanford. 1992. Effects of harvest intensity, site preparation, and herbicide use on soil nitrogen transformations in a young loblolly pine plantation. For. Ecol. Manage. 49:277-292.


Albaugh, T.J., H.L. Allen, and L.W. Kress. 1991. Biomass-D2H relationships for young loblolly pine as affected by ozone. Biomass and Bioenergy 1:143-148.

Allen, H.L., L.A. Morris, and T.R. Wentworth. 1991. Productivity comparison between successive loblolly pine rotations in the North Carolina Piedmont. pp 125-136 In: W.J. Dyck and C.A. Mees (eds.). Long-term Field Trials to Assess Environmental Impacts of Harvesting. IEA/BE T6/A6 Report No 5. Forest Research Inst. Rotorua, NZ, FRI Bulletin No. 161.

Colbert, S.R. and H.L. Allen. 1991. Potential productivity of loblolly pine plantations in the southeastern United States. pp. 146-147 In: D.L Mengel and D. T. Tew (eds). Ecological Land Classification: Applications to Identify the Productive potential of Southern Forests. USDA Forest Service Southeast. For. Exp. Sta. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-68.

Fredericksen, T.S., H.L. Allen, and T.R. Wentworth. 1991. Competing vegetation and pine growth response to silvicultural treatments in a Six Year Old Piedmont Loblolly Pine Plantation. South. J. Appl. For. 15:138-144.

Grant, M.J., 1991. Potassium Nutrition of Midrotation Loblolly Pine(Pinus taeda L.) Plantations on the Georgia Coastal Plain. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry. North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 174 pp.

Jokela E.J., H.L. Allen, and W.W. McFee. 1991. Fertilization of southern pines at establishment. Chap. 14 In: M. Duryea and P. Dougherty (eds.). Forest Regeneration Manual. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Netherlands.

Kress, L.W. and H.L. Allen. 1991. Impact of ozone and acidic precipitation on the growth of loblolly pine seedlings. Paper 91-142.9 In: Proceedings 84th Annual Meeting, Air and Waste Management Assoc. Vancouver, BC.

Li, B., H.L. Allen, and S.E. McKeand. 1991. Nitrogen and family effects on biomass allocation of loblolly pine seedlings. For. Sci. 37:271-283.

Li B., S.E. McKeand, and H.L. Allen. 1991. Genetic variation in nitrogen use efficiency of loblolly pine seedlings. For. Sci. 37:613-626.

Li B., S.E. McKeand, and H.L. Allen. 1991. Seedling shoot growth of loblolly pine families under two nitrogen levels as related to 12-year height. Can J. For. Res. 21:842-847.

Maimone, R.A., L.A. Morris, and T.R. Fox. 1991. Soil nitrogen mineralization potential in a fertilized loblolly pine plantation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 55:522-527.

Vose, J.M. and H.L. Allen. 1991. Quantity and timing of needlefall in N and P fertilized loblolly pine stands. For. Ecol. Manage. 41:205-219.


Allen, H.L. 1990. Manipulating loblolly pine productivity with early cultural treatment. pp. 301-317 In: S.P Gessel, D.S. Lacate, G.F. Weetman, and R.F. Powers (eds.). Sustained Productivity of Forest Soils. Univ. British Columbia, Faculty of Forestry Publication, Vancouver BC. 525 pp.

Allen, H.L., P.M. Dougherty, and R.G. Campbell. 1990. Manipulation of water and nutrients practice and opportunity in southern U.S. pine forests. For. Ecol. Manage. 30:437-453.

Colbert, S.R., E.J. Jokela, and D.G. Neary. 1990. Effects of annual fertilization and sustained weed control on dry matter partitioning, leaf area, and growth efficiency of juvenile loblolly and slash pine. For. Sci. 36:995-1014.

Fox, T.R. and N.B. Comerford. 1990. Low-molecular-weight organic acids in selected forest soils of the Southeastern United States. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 54:1139-1144.

Fox, T.R., N.B. Comerford, and W.W. McFee. 1990. Kinetics of Phosphorus release from Spodosols: Effects of oxalate and formate. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 54:1441-1447.

Fox, T.R., N.B. Comerford, and W.W. McFee. 1990. Phosphorus and aluminum release from a spodic horizon mediated by organic acids. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 54:1763-1767.

Hockman J.N. and H.L. Allen. 1990. Nutritional diagnosis in loblolly pine stands using a DRIS approach. pp. 500-514 In: S.P Gessel, D.S. Lacate, G.F. Weetman, and R.F. Powers (eds.). Sustained Productivity of Forest Soils. Univ. British Columbia, Faculty of Forestry Publication, Vancouver BC. 525 pp.

Neary, D.G., E.J. Jokela, N.B. Comerford, S.R.Colbert, and T.E. Cooksey. 1990. Understanding competition for soil nutrients: The key to site productivity on Southeastern Coastal Plain Spodosols. pp. 432-450, In: S.P. Gessel, D.S. Lacate, G.F. Weetman, and R.F. Powers (eds.). Sustained Productivity of Forest Soils. Proceedings of the 7th North American Forest Soils Conference, University of British Columbia. Faculty of Forestry Publication, Vancouver, B.C.

Pennell, K.D., H.L. Allen, and W.A. Jackson. 1990. Phosphorus uptake capacity of 14yearold loblolly pine as indicated by a 32P root bioassay. For. Sci. 36:358-366.

Valentine D.W. and H.L. Allen. 1990. Foliar responses to fertilization identify nutrient limitation in loblolly pine. Can. J. For. Res. 20:144-151.


Binkley, D., C.T. Driscoll, H.L. Allen, P. Schoeneberger, and D. McAvoy. 1989. Acidic Deposition and Forest Soils: Context and Case Studies in the Southeastern United States. Ecological Studies Series 72. SpringerVerlag, New York. 149 pp.

Johnson, J.E. and H.L. Allen. 1989. SIMFERT its use for teaching the effects of forest fertilization. J. Agron. Educ. 18:42-44.

Kress L.W., H.L. Allen, J.E. Mudano, and W.W. Heck. 1989. Ozone effects on the growth of loblolly pine. pp. 153-158 In: J.B. Bucher and I. Bucher-Wallin (eds.). Air Pollution and Forest Decline. Vol 1. Proceedings 14th International Meeting for Specialists in Air Pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems, IUFRO P2.05, Interlaken, Switzerland.

Li, B. 1989. Genetic Variation Among Loblolly Pine Families in Seedling Root Characteristics, Shoot Morphology and Nitrogen Use Efficiency, and Use of These Traits for Early Selection. Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ. 131 pp.

Li, B., S.E. McKeand and H.L. Allen. 1989. Early selection of loblolly pine families based on seedling shoot elongation characters. pp. 228-234 In: Proceedings 20th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conf. National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA.


Arnold, R.J. 1988. Foliar Mineral Nutrient Diagnosis with DRIS for Identifying Nutritional Influences on Female Cone Production in Fraser Fir. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 65 pp.

Allen, H.L. and R.G. Campbell. 1988. Wet site pine management in the Southeastern United States. Chap. 19 In: The Ecology and Management of Wetlands. Vol. 2. D.D. Hook (ed.) Croom Helm LTD, Kent, UK. 394 pp.

Allen, H.L., W.W. Heck, and L.W.Kress. 1988. Response of loblolly pine families to acidic precipitation and ozone stress. pp. 60-64 In: A. Carey, R. Blair, and C. Saint (eds.). Forest Response Program Annual Meeting. Project Status Reports. Vol 1. North Carolina State Univ. Raleigh, NC.

Andariese, S.W. and P.M. Vitousek. 1988. Soil N turnover is altered by herbicide treatment in a North Carolina Piedmont forest soil. For. Ecol. Manage. 23:19-25.

Byrne, S.V. and T.R. Wentworth. 1988. Relationship between volume and biomass of early successional vegetation and the prediction of loblolly pine seedling growth. For. Sci. 34:939-947.

Fredericksen, T.S. 1988. Effects of Site Preparation and Cultural Treatments on Competing Vegetation and Pine Growth in a Piedmont Loblolly Pine Plantation. M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 99 pp.

Kress, L.W., H.L. Allen, J.E. Mudano, and W.W. Heck. 1988. Response of loblolly pine to acidic precipitation and ozone. Paper No. 88-70.5 In: Proceedings 81st Annual Meeting, Air Pollution Control Assoc. Dallas, TX.

McNeil, R.C., R. Lea, R. Ballard, and H.L. Allen. 1988. Predicting fertilizer response of loblolly pine using foliar and needlefall nutrients sampled in different seasons. For. Sci. 34:698-707.

Vose, J.M. 1988. Patterns of leaf area distribution within crowns of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilized trees. For. Sci. 34:564-573.

Vose, J.M. and H.L. Allen. 1988. Leaf area, stemwood growth and nutrition relationships in loblolly pine. For. Sci. 34:547-563.


Adams, M.B., R.G. Campbell, H.L. Allen, and C.B. Davey. 1987. Root and foliar nutrient concentrations in loblolly pines: Effects of season, site, and fertilization. For. Sci. 33:984-996.

Allen, H.L. 1987. Forest fertilizers: Nutrient amendment, stand productivity and environmental impact. J. For. 85(2):37-46.

Bolstad, P.V. and H.L. Allen. 1987. Height and diameter growth response in loblolly pine stands following fertilization. For. Sci. 33:644-653.

Byrne, S.V., T.R. Wentworth, and S.M. Nusser. 1987. A moisture strain index for loblolly pine. Can. J. For. Res. 17:23-26.

Nusser, S.M. and T.R. Wentworth. 1987. Relationships among first-year loblolly pine seedling performance, vegetation regrowth, environmental conditions, and plantation management. p. 565-575 In: Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, November 4-6, 1986. USFS Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-42. 598 pp.

Robertson, G.P., P.M. Vitousek, P.A. Matson, and J.M. Tiedje. 1987. Denitrification in a clearcut loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation in the southeastern U.S. Plant and Soil 97:119-129.

Vose, J.M. 1987. Effects of increased nutrient supply on loblolly pine stand leaf area, stemwood growth, and crown architecture. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ. Raleigh, NC. 120 pp.


Adams, M.B. 1986. Starch and Nutrient Concentrations In Roots and Foliage of Loblolly Pine (Pinus Taeda L.) Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forestry and Soil Science, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 88 pp.

Adams, M.B., H.L. Allen and C.B. Davey. 1986. Accumulation of starch in roots and foliage of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.): Effects of season, site, and fertilization. Tree Physiology 2:35-46.

Fox, T.R., J.A. Burger, and R.E. Kreh. 1986. Effects of site preparation on nitrogen dynamics in the Southern Piedmont. Forest Ecology & Management. 15(4):241-256.

Fox, T.R. 1986. Raspberry (Rubis ideaus L.) competition effects on balsam fir (Abies balsamea [L.] Mill.) seedlings in Northern Maine. Tree Planters’ Notes. 1986:20-23.

Gent, J.A., H.L. Allen and R.G. Campbell. 1986. Phosphorus and nitrogen plus phosphorus fertilization in loblolly pine stands at establishment. South. J. Appl. For. 10:114117.

Gent, J.A., H.L. Allen, R.G. Campbell, and C.G. Wells. 1986. Magnitude, duration, and economic analyses of loblolly pine growth response following bedding and phosphorus fertilization. South. J. Appl. For. 10:124-128.

Graham, R.L., T.R. Fox, and P.H. Dougherty. 1986. Multiple stress factors: The potential role of systems models in assessing the impact of multiple stresses on forest productivity. Chapter 8. In Stress Physiology and Forest Productivity. Martinus Nijhoff Pub., Dordrecht, Netherlands. 239 pp.

Ledogar, L.W. 1986. Soluble and Total Foliar Nitrogen in the Diagnosis of the Nitrogen Status of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 76 pp.

Mudano, J.E. 1986. Assessment of Soil Nitrogen Availability Following Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization of a Loblolly Pine Stand. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC 52 pp.

Pennell, K.D. 1986. Phosphorus Uptake Capacity of Loblolly Pine Roots Using A 32P Bioassay. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC 62 pp.

Tew, D.T., L.A. Morris, H.L. Allen and C.G. Wells. 1986. Estimates of nutrient removal, displacement and loss resulting from harvest and site preparation of a Pinus taeda plantation in the Piedmont of North Carolina. For. Ecol. Manage. 15:257-267.

Troth, J.L., R.G. Campbell, and H.L. Allen. 1986. Nutrients: Use of forest fertilization and nutrient efficient genotypes to manage nutrient stress in conifer stands. Chap 4. In: T.C. Hennessey, P.N. Dougherty, S.V. Kossuth, and J.D. Johnson (eds.). Stress Physiology and Forest Productivity. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Netherlands.

Vitousek, P.M. and S.W. Andariese. 1986. Microbial transformations of labelled nitrogen in a clear-cut pine plantation. Oecologia 68:601-605.

Wells, C.G. and H.L. Allen, 1986. Guides to loblolly pine fertilization, USDA Forest Service. Southeast For. Exp. Sta. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-36. 23 pp.

Wells, C.G., J.R. Craig, M.B. Kane and H.L. Allen. 1986. Foliar and soil tests for the prediction of phosphorus response in loblolly pine. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50:1330-1335.


Adams, M.B. and H.L. Allen. 1985. Nutrient proportions in foliage of semimature loblolly pine. Plant and Soil 86:2734.

Allen, H.L. 1985. The value of fertilization as a silvicultural tool. pp. 7786. In This Business of Forestry. Third Regional Technical Conference, Appalachian Society of American Foresters. Bethesda. MD. 123 pp.

Byrne, S.V. 1985. Environment, Moisture Strain, and Early Growth of Loblolly Pine Seedlings in a North Carolina Piedmont Plantation. M.S. Thesis, N.C. State Univ., Raleigh, NC, 51pp.

Fox, T.R. J.P. Kimmins, and H.L. Allen. 1985. Adaption of the forest nutrient cycling evaluator (FORCYTE) for loblolly pine plantations. pp. 203-211 In: Proc. Third Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. USDA For. Ser. South. For. Exp. Sta. Gen. Tech. Rep. SO54.

Pye, J.M. and P.M. Vitousek. 1985. Soil and nutrient removals by erosion and windrowing at a southeastern U.S. Piedmont site. For. Ecol. Manage. 11:145-155.

Vitousek, P.M. and P.A. Matson. 1985. Disturbance, nitrogen availability, and nitrogen losses in an intensively managed loblolly pine plantation. Ecology 66:1360-1376.

Vitousek, P.M. and P.A. Matson. 1985. Intensive harvesting and site preparation decrease soil nitrogen availability in young plantations. South. J. Appl. For. 9:120-125.


Bolstad, P.V. 1984. An Evaluation of Ten Loblolly Pine Site Index Equations and Height, Diameter, and Height-Diameter Response to Fertilization in Loblolly Pine Stands. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry. North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 39 pp.

Gent, J.A., Jr., R. Ballard, A.E. Hassan, and D.K. Cassel. 1984. Impact of harvesting and site preparation on physical properties of Piedmont forest soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 48:173-177.

Johnson, G.R. 1984. Genetic Variation in Nutrient Use Efficiencies by Loblolly Pine and Use of Nutrient Data to Improve Genetic Gain for Growth. Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ. Raleigh, NC. 70 pp.

McKeand, S.E. and H.L. Allen. 1984. Nutritional and root development factors affecting growth of tissue culture plantlets of loblolly pine. Physiol. Plant. 61:523-528.

Weinman, B.S. 1984. An Economic Evaluation of Nitrogen Fertilizer Response in Thinned and Nonthinned Loblolly Pine Plantations. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 78 pp.

Vitousek, P.M. and P.A. Matson. 1984. Mechanisms of nitrogen retention in forest ecosystems: a field experiment. Science 225:51-52.


Allen, H.L. 1983. North Carolina State Forest Fertilization Cooperative, Forest Soils Shortcourse. School of Forest Resources, Raleigh NC. 175 pp.

Allen, H.L. and R. Ballard. 1983. Forest fertilization of loblolly pine. pp. 163-181 In: Proceedings of the Loblolly Pine Ecosystem Symposium. (East Region) North Carolina State Univ. Raleigh, NC.

Allen, H.L. and H.W. Duzan, Jr. 1983. Nutritional management of loblolly pine stands: A status report of the North Carolina State Forest Fertilization Cooperative. pp. 379-384 In: R. Ballard and S.P. Gessel (eds.). Forest Site and Continuous Productivity. USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta. Rep. PNW163.

Bean, P.M. 1983. Changes in Soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus During The First Year Following Incorporation of Diammonium Phosphate Into Raised Forest Plantation Beds. M.S. Thesis. Dept. of Forestry, North Carolina State Univ. 84 pp.

Gent, J.A., Jr. and R. Ballard. 1983. Impact of intensive forest management practices on the bulk density of lower Coastal Plain and Piedmont Soils. South. J. Appl. For. 44-48.

Jorgensen, J.R. and H.L. Allen. 1983. Soil amendments to maintain or enhance site productivity. pp. 5976 In: Maintaining Forest Site Productivity. Appalachian Society of American Foresters. Clemson.

Morris, L.A. and H.L. Allen, and C.G. Wells. 1983. Composition, Biomass, and Nutrient Content of Competing Vegetation in a Harvested and Regenerated Lower Coastal Plain Pinus taeda Plantation: Influence on Soil Solution Nutrient Concentration. Site Productivity Project Report No. 1. School of Forest Resources. North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. NC. 28 pp.

Nusser, S.M. 1983. Loblolly Pine Seedling Performance in Relation to Vegetation Regrowth, Environmental Conditions, and Forest Management Intensity. M.S. Thesis. N.C. State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 32 pp.

Pye, J.M. 1983. Erosion and Windrowing: Soil Losses due to Intensive Forestry Practices. M.S. Thesis, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 26 pp.

Vitousek, P.M., H.L. Allen, and P.M. Matson. 1983. Impacts of management practices on soil nitrogen status. pp. 2539 In: Maintaining Forest Site Productivity. Appalachian Society of American Foresters. Clemson.


Allen, H.L. 1982. Cooperative research in forest fertilization at North Carolina State University. pp. 3235 In: M.J. Vepraskas (ed.). Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of Soil Science Society of North Carolina. Soil Science Society of North Carolina, Raleigh. NC.

Gent, J.A., Jr. 1982. The impact of intensive forest management on the physical properties of lower Coastal Plain and Piedmont Soils. Ph.D. Dissertation. North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC. 48 pp.

Duzan, H.W., Jr., H.L. Allen, and R. Ballard. 1982. Predicting fertilizer response in established loblolly pine plantations with basal area and site index. South J. Appl. For. 6:1519.


Allen, H.L. 1981. Impact of Nitrogen Fertilization and Thinning on Crown Development in Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.). PhD Dissertation. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC. 122 pp.

Allen, H.L. and H.W. Duzan, Jr. 1981. What measure of stand density is best for growth predictions in loblolly pine plantations. pp. 175-178 In: J.P. Barnett (ed.). Proc. First Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. SO34.

Duzan, H.W., Jr. and H.L. Allen. 1981. Estimating fertilizer response in siteprepared plantations using basal area and site index. pp. 219-222 In: J.P. Barnett (ed.). Proc. First Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. SO34.


Allen, H.L. 1978. Relationship of Site Index and Growth of Even-Aged Spruce-Fir Stands in Northern Maine to Site Factors. MS Thesis. University of Maine. Orono, ME. 124 pp.


Glass Jr, George G.  1976.  The Effects From Rootraking on an Upland Piedmont Loblolly Pine (Pinus Taeda L.) Site.  Technical Report No. 56.  North Carolina State Forest Fertilization Cooperative.  44 pp.