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FPC Graduate Students

North Carolina State University

Chris Cohrs (2022 PhD Graduate): FPC Soil and Geologic Mapping and effects on LAI derived from Sentinel.

Jacob Hackman (2023 PhD Graduate): Soil P carryover due to fertilization rate and microbial response.

Sarah Puls (2024 Master’s Graduate): Forest Carbon Modeling: Longevity of Forest Products for Carbon Storage.

TJ Queck (2024 Master’s Graduate): Response of P. taeda and competing vegetation to Esplanade—Bayer.

Travis Howell (PhD Student): LiDAR technologies for genetics and silvicultural management.

Ivan Raigosa-Garcia (PhD Student): Growth response of loblolly pine and economic returns from nutrient additions based on a gradient of soil characteristics across the southeastern US.

Vicent Agustí Ribas Costa (PhD Student): Soil Productivity Mapping in Loblolly Pine

Maria Higuita (PhD Student): ECM fungi with potassium and salinity.

Benjamin Rose (PhD Student): Soil P Carryover biotic drivers: fungal microbiome.

Sarah Puls (Master’s Student): Forest Carbon Modeling: Longevity of Forest Products for Carbon Storage.

TJ Queck (Master’s Student): Response of P. taeda and competing vegetation to Esplanade—Bayer.

Drew Martin (Master’s Student): FPC Assistant and International Scholar Organizer.

Virginia Tech

David Enemo (PhD Student): Abiotic controls on P availability.

Dan Hong (PhD Student): Abiotic controls on P availability.

Grady Boyle (Master’s Student): Early site index and chemical site prep prioritization in Douglas-fir stands in the PNW.

Megan Van Spanje (Master’s Student): Destination of fertilizer N in midrotation stands.

Erik Platt (Master’s Student): Precision thinning in loblolly pine stands.

Universidad de Concepción

Luz Yeidy García (2022 Masters Graduate): Effect of water stress on carbon assimilation among Eucalyptus genotypes under water stress at seedling stage.

Valentina Campos (PhD Student): Water stress and insect attack susceptibility: A metabolomic analysis of commercial forest species in Chile.

Juan Carlos Valverde (PhD Student): Linkages between water use efficiency and C balance among Mediterranean Eucalyptus genotypes.

Daniel Bozo (Master’s Student): Modelling above and belowground C on radiata pine plantations at harvesting age.

Alejandro Pinochet (Master’s Student): Remote sensing tools to assess water use and water stress in Eucalyptus genotypes.

Universidade Federal de Lavras

Lorena Barbosa (2022 PhD Graduate): Productivity and competition for light of different varieties of Pinus taeda and different spacings.

Juscelina dos Santos (2022 PhD Graduate): Meta-analysis of Eucalyptus plantation physiology.

Anny Gonçalves (2022 PhD Graduate): Effect of the interaction Variety x Spacing x Environment on light use efficiency of Eucalyptus.

Fernanda Cunha (PhD Student): Integrated analysis on carbon stock, fluxes and partitioning in Eucalyptus and Pinus plantations.

Matheus Luz (PhD Student): Carbon stock in Atlantic Forest restoration plantations in Brazil.